Chapter 47 The End

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I'm going crazy. That's the only explanation.

Everything went dark and I woke up in a hospital bed. What's going on? I looked over to see Amy, Avery, and Jamie sitting in chairs across my bed. What's happening?

I sat up and all of them jumped up. Jamie called for a doctor and Avery and Amy started crying and hugging me.
"What's going on?"

"Your in the hospital Scar. You were in a coma for 2 weeks" Avery said

"No that's not true. That can't be true. I already got out the hospital. I went through treatment for 3 months at a mental hospital. Matt's dead your in surgery and Amy.. Amy you started cutting again"

They both gave me these really worried looks and a doctor finally came in with Jamie.
"How do you feel Scarlett? Any pain or dizziness?"


I've finally lost it. I had a psychotic break and now I'm hallucinating.
"Ok Scarlett so I'm gonna ask you a few questions"


"Do you know what year it is?"


"Do you know what month it is?"


"Ok. Do you know who they are?" He looked over at everyone else.


"Can you tell my their names?"

"That's my sisters Amy and Avery and that's Jamie, Avery's husband"

"Ok. Can you count to 20 for me?"

I counted to 20 and he wrote something on his clipboard and continued questioning me.
"Do you see that clock right there? Can you tell me what time it is"

"It's 9am. Why are you asking me all these questions? What happened?"

"When you jumped off the roof that canopy slowed your fall a lot but you fell through that and hit your head. You've been in a coma since" He said.

"So I've been in a coma for 2 weeks?"


I thought about Matt and instantly felt relieved. I started crying tears of joy. Matt must be alive then. Everyone started hugging me and I wiped my tears. Thankful he's alive.
"That means Matt's alive. Thank god"

"What do you mean Scar? Of course he's alive and he'll probably be ecstatic to hear your awake" Avery said.

"When I was asleep I dreamt he killed himself"

"He's ok. Do you want me to call him?"

"Please, I need to hear his voice"

"Hey doc, can we have some time alone" Jamie said and the doctor smiled nodded and walked out.

Avery handed me her phone and I called Matt and he answered hysterically.
"Any news?? Is she ok??"

"Hey Matt"


"Yep" I felt the tears forming in my eyes.

"Your awake!! I'm coming right now"

"It's so nice to hear your voice"

"Yours too. I was so scared you wouldn't wake up. Don't do anything like that ever again Scar, it makes my heart fall out of my chest"

I know that feeling all too well now. I just felt that way after Matt killed himself- or didn't I guess. I'm so glad he's ok.

"I won't. I promise"

We talked for awhile and I could hear that he was moving, probably coming to the hospital to see me. Matt came an we talked for what seemed like forever. I couldn't stop hugging him, I'm just happy he's alive.
1 Month Later

I got out of the hospital for real this time. It feels great to finally be able to go home.

When I walk through the door nothing has changed which is relieving. I don't know what I was expecting but I'm glad everything feels the same.
"Ahh finally home" I said walking through the front door.

I looked over at everyone and they all seemed happy but Avery seemed a little nervous/sad. Then I remembered what I said to her before I jumped. I feel so bad about that, she must feel horrible.

I walked up to her and gave her the biggest hug I could.
"I'm sorry for all those things I said to you on the roof. I still love you and I'm sorry I put all of you through this again"

She looked a little surprised at first but then relaxed and hugged me back.
"It's ok Scar, I'm just glad your ok"

We stayed like that for a minute before I pulled away and walked over to my spot on the floor next to the couch.

There's really nothing like being home. I laid on the floor and stared at the ceiling feeling the rug on my back sighing calmly to myself.

I'm Home
Oke y'all so that's the official ending! I know so sad but every great story must come to an end...or does it? I have a quick Lil announcement coming on the next chapter so do read that!! But I hope you guys enjoyed this crazy therapeutic story that I wrote and I hope to see you in some of my next stories when those come out. It's been a lot of fun and thanks for reading! Baiii😌

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