Chapter 14 Boyfriends

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It's Saturday meaning the first day of my group therapy sessions. Im not happy about this at all.

Today Mary stopped by to discuss why I was going to be going to these things.

"So Scarlett I know you've been going through a lot lately"

"So?" I said coldly.

"I think this will be very good for you. It'll help with your anxiety and depression and It'll help you find healthier coping skills."

"Healthier coping skills my ass" I said under my breath.

"Scarlett I know your angry but please don't be rude, all we're trying to do is help you." Adam said.

"This isn't fair at all, what about Amy and Avery!?!?"

"Amy will be going too. And we don't have legal guardianship over Avery so she doesn't have to go"


"This will be good for you" Mary said.

"What do you know"

"A lot actually"

"Ugh" I put my face in my hands in annoyance.

3 hours later

"Good afternoon everyone" Amy said.

"Good afternoon" I said

"So we have two new people joining us, this is Scarlett"


"And this is Amy"


"So let's get to know our new friends with some icebreakers!"

I sighed looking at the clock wondering if it could tick any slower.

"And that wraps up today everyone"

After we all said one thing we like about ourselves and said goodbye me and Amy left. Group wasn't far from our house so we just walked home.

As we were walking we saw one of our moms old boyfriends. We both started to walk faster but of course he saw us.

"Well if it ain't sugars kids"

"Andy" I said coldly.


"It's Scarlett"

"We were just going" Amy cut in.

"To hell you are"

"What do you want" Amy said.

"This bitch right here made my life hell"

"You have no idea what you've done to me asshole"

He slapped me as hard as he could for that.

I started charging at him.
"Scarlett stop!" And she grabbed me and pulled me away from him.

"She was always the smarter sister"

"Lets just go" Amy said walking away.

"Fuck you" After I said that he got so pissed off. This time he punched me. luckily Amy was there and she stopped him.
He ran away after she threatened to call the cops.

"Scar are you ok"

I picked myself up and reassured her I was fine. She carried me back home even though I told her I could walk.

When we got home Mary was there to see how it went. Then she and Adam and Stan saw the bruise on my face and the cut on my lip and immediately started asking a million questions.

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