Chapter 27 Luna

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Avery's POV

I woke up today feeling disgusted by the actions of that girl yesterday. I have work today but I don't wanna leave Scarlett here with just Amy.

School will be starting in about 2 weeks for them so summers coming to an end.

I got up and opened their door, Scarlett was in the same position as yesterday sleeping and Amy was reading a book. She looked up at me worried and I looked at her with sad tired eyes.

I went to the kitchen and started making coffee. I'll pick up breakfast on my way to work and I decided to call that babysitter Scarlett had when she was still with her foster dads. She agreed to come and showed up about 25 minutes after I called. I told her about what happened yesterday and asked her to keep a good eye on Scarlett because "Even though their aren't any razors here and I count the knives every morning and night, she used the metal clip of a pen to cut. I don't want her hurting herself and she can get very creative with it so please keep an eye on her"

"Ok I got it"

I was heading out the door and said "Don't forget to have her take her meds"

"Okay" She responded and I was out the door
Amy's POV

I walked outside our room to see Scarlett's old babysitter standing in the kitchen.
"So your the one that's gonna be watching us?"

"It's nice to see you again Amy, and yes I'll be here"

I sighed and made some cereal for breakfast.
"What's your name again?"

"It's Luna"

"Ok, hi Luna"

She nodded and walked into our room and I followed.
"Scarlett, you need to get up and take your medicine and eat something" Luna said

Scarlett didn't move.
"Scarlett I know it's hard but you have to get up" She still didn't move.

Then Luna pulled back her covers and Scarlett was laying there all bandaged up staring at the wall.

"Oh so your awake, Scarlett you need to get up"
She didn't move.
Then Luna looked at me like I'd know what to do.
"She's been like this since yesterday, I don't blame her after what happened. I'm guessing Avery already told you"

"Yeah. She did"

We focused our attention back to Scarlett who was refusing to move.

Then Luna sat her up and she stared at the sheets. She seemed so lifeless and broken, I wish there was something I could do to help.
"Amy can you get her medication"

"Ok" I walked to the medicine cabinet, unlocked it and got her meds out. She's taking Xanax and Zoloft. I got a glass of water and walked back to our room and handed the pills and water to Luna.

"Scarlett, I need you take these" She took a pill from each bottle and handed them to her. Well, more like placed them in her hand. She gave her the water and told her to take them. Scarlett of course didn't move and we didn't really know what to do.
"Scarlett, you have to take them" She didn't move.
"Ok, Amy tilt her head back" I looked at her confused, was she seriously gonna force the medication down her throat?
"Please just do it" I walked over and tilted her head back and Luna put the pills in her mouth with the water and closed her mouth.
"Scarlett swallow it"
She didn't do anything.
"Swallow it"
She stayed still
"Scarlett swallow it!"
She finally listened and swallowed the pills and looked me dead in the eye. She seemed upset that I helped force her to take her pills but she didn't say anything.
"Ok now what do you want for breakfast?"
She laid back down and faced the wall.
"Scarlett you have to eat something"

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