Chapter 49 Knock Before Entering

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A Few Weeks Later

"Whatcha doin?" I asked Amy plopping myself in her bed.
"Studying, finals are coming up"


"Hey, why don't you go bother Avery and Jamie?"

"Your right, I wonder what their doing"

I left me and Amy's room and walked out into the living room to see no one there.

Where are they?

I walk back to Amy and ask her where they went.
"I'm pretty sure their in their room"

"It's kind of early to be sleeping, it's only 6 o'clock. Plus Avery hasn't cooked diner yet"

Then Amy made this kind of shocked expression.
"Actually Scar, probably best not to interrupt whatever their doing"

"What do mean?"

"You might walk into something you don't want to see"

"Well that just makes me wanna barge in there even more"

"Don't say I didn't warn you"


"Hey what're you guys doing in here?" I said opening the door. And then I realized exactly what they were doing and slowly closed the door.

How dense am I?

I walked back to our room and shut the door.
"Told you" Amy said not even glancing up from her books.

I felt my face burning and just kind of buried myself under my covers.
Amy's POV

Well this is the most awkward dinner I've ever been to. Scarlett sat there red in the face trying not to look up at Avery or Jamie, and Avery and Jamie just found the whole thing hilarious and were red trying to hold back their laughs.

"That's why you should knock before opening people's doors Scar" I said looking over at her.
I guess that broke Avery and Jamie because they bust out laughing after I said that.
"I'm so sorry Scarlett but your face right now is priceless" Avery said

You know you would think for someone who's done it so many times and is always messing with other people that she wouldn't be this embarrassed but here we are.

"You really should've knocked" Jamie said

"Omg can we stop talking about it??" Scarlett said

"Ok ok, we'll stop" Avery said still smiling ear to ear.

What and interesting dinner.

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