Chapter 41 Bricks

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"I don't know what to say"

"You don't have to say anything" Avery said

And we stood there. For what felt like forever, it could've been forever. I guess I'm just now realizing what I'm feeling. It's anger. I just don't know why I'm angry. I want to know so I can fix it. But what if it's something I can't fix? What do I do? Will I just feel like this forever?
The Next Day

"Scarlett, Amy, wake up breakfast is ready. And Scarlett I wanna talk some more today" Avery said standing in our doorframe.
"Ok" Me and Amy said as we started getting up.

It's finally Saturday and that means no school. I need a break from all that. I wish I could see Matt. Maybe ruffle his beautiful brown hair. That'd be nice.

I walk out and decided I'm not hungry today.
"I'm not hungry" I said joining them at the table. Sitting at the table with everyone even if I'm not eating is supposedly like a family thing I guess.

They all gave me these worried looks. It makes me wanna bang my head against the wall. I bit my lip and felt the cut sting, so I bit down harder. I could taste the copper taste that blood has on my tongue. Pain helps to keep my thoughts in check. As well as fidgeting but that makes it too obvious somethings wrong.
"Scarlett your gonna make your lip start bleeding again, stop biting it" Amy said

I thought I was being sneaky but they always see right through me. Maybe I just have one of those faces. One where my emotions scream loudly on my face and everyone can tell exactly how I'm feeling all the time.

They finished eating and Jamie went out for groceries while the rest of us stayed in.
"So what do you two wanna do today?" Avery said. She and Amy are sitting on the couch and I'm on the floor as usual. But I prefer being on the floor, I don't know why, I just do.

"Sleep" I said yawning.

"Oh come on, that's all you ever do" Amy said.

"How about we go, go cart racing?"

"Yeah! Let's do it!" Amy said excitedly.

"No. No way. No"

"Come on it'll be fun Scar"

"I don't like go carts"

"Why?" Avery asked

"Because they go fast and they're loud and scary" I said looking down. That was way too honest.
"Well what would you like to do?"

"See Matt"

They both looked at me with this strange look. I don't know what they were thinking or feeling. What did I just say? It had to be something weird.
"What did I just say?"

They looked at me a little confused but answered.
"You said you want to see Matt" Amy said

"Damn it. I didn't mean to say that out loud"

Ok as long as I don't think about Matt, I won't have any outbursts like that. Well crap. Now he's the only thing on my mind.
"Not today. Let's do something between the three of us" Avery said

"You make it seem like we're in a cult or something"

"Whatever, how about fro yo?"

"Do you have any idea how much sugar they pack into those things? I'll be damned if I eat something like that"

"Ugh well I'm out of ideas. You got anything Amy?"

"We could see a movie"

"That's perfect!"

I rolled my eyes and laid down. Maybe I'll sneak out again. "Seeing Matt really helped release stress, plus it was a hell of a lot of fun"

"What are you talking about?" Avery said

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