Chapter 8 Bad Thoughts

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Today is Wednesday and if this escape plan doesn't work I kill myself here.

Me and Wendy determined that the best day to do it was Friday. This is because there are less guards meaning less of a chance of us being caught.


So I started looking for something to cut with because I still hate life. It's very hard because this place is basically baby proofed.

I managed to pick out two razors that were in a sharpener in the art room. I put one in my pocket and was about to put the other one in when Nurse Jamie came in. I quickly shoved it in my pocket and hoped she didn't see.

"So what cha doing in here"

"Looking for paper" I said nervously.

"So what's in your pocket?"

Fuck I thought to myself.

"Some candy"

"Oh what kind?"

I hesitated. "Uhh Starburst"

"Hmm....ok show me"


"I know what your hiding"

I just stood there blank faced.

"What?" I said trying to sound normal.

"Kids come in here all the time to take the razors out the sharpeners"

"I told you it's candy"

"Ok then turn your pockets inside out"

I was silently dying inside. If I turn my pockets inside out both my razors would fall out. But if I refuse she'll probably call a guard to come search me.

"What's your problem" I say annoyed.

"Just doing my job. Also it's a dangerous item that you could use to hurt yourself or someone else."


"Please just hand it over before I get a guard to get it"

Just as I was about to give up Wendy came and took the conversation.

"Oh hi Jamie what's the problem"

"Well your friend Scarlett is hiding a razor in her pocket and I need her to give it to me."

"I'm pretty sure she just got candy for me. I asked her to"

"Okay then what candy did you want?"

I could see Wendy wasn't prepared for that because she didn't say anything for a while.

"Uhh I wanted Nerds?"

Well there goes that.

"Oh well that's funny because Scarlett here said you asked for Starburst"

"I have a bad memory" I said.

"Yeah I'm not believing it. Turn your pockets inside out."

I sighed and turned my pockets inside out. Of course like I said the razors fell out and Jamie took them.

"I'm going to put you into more counseling"

"Whatever" I said and walked away.

"Well Wendy there goes my backup plan"

"Sorry I tried to name a common candy"

"It's fine we just have to sneak in there another time."


At lights out Nurse Jamie once again came into my room with pills.

"You know I'm not going to take those"

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