Chapter 39 Pretend

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Avery's POV

After that conversation Scarlett and I had, I really thought she'd at least try and do better. But instead she goes out drinking the next day. I'm seriously considering putting her back in a hospital because she's becoming too much to manage.

But she'll probably do worse there. I've seen how lifeless she becomes in hospitals. I can't be the one to send her to one. What do I do?
I pick Scarlett and Amy up from school and we start driving home. Scarlett is staring out the window while Amy is sleeping.

I don't know what else there is for me to do besides put her back in a hospital. She's seeing her therapist, she's taking her medication, but she keeps acting out. Talking to her isn't working, there has to be something.

We get home and they both go into their room. Jamie's on the couch on his phone and I sit down next to him.
"I need your help"

"With what?" He said turning his phone off and looking at me.

"Talking to Scarlett isn't working. I don't want to send her away again but I don't know what else to do"

"I understand. But she was so depressed in there and they didn't stop her from trying to kill herself"

He's right. They didn't keep her safe, but we're not either.
"Let's just wait awhile longer. Then we can make a decision"

"I agree. We should wait a little longer before making a decision like that"

I snuggled up next to him and we started watching tv.
Scarlett's POV

Me and Amy slowly looked up at each other. Their seriously considering sending me to a hospital again? I felt my blood run cold.
"Scar?" Amy said

I started thinking about Wendy. I wonder how she's doing. I wonder if she's even still alive.

"We don't know they'll send you to a hospital"

I feel sick.


I laid back down and started looking at more reddit posts.
The Next Day

"Amy, Scar, breakfasts ready"

Me and Amy got up and went out for breakfast. I still feel cold and numb. I'm not anxious or depressed, there's just nothing. But I can't let them know that.
"How'd you two sleep?"

"I slept good" Amy said

"Yeah me too"

"Well that's good to hear. How are you doing Scarlett?"

"Great actually, Stacy's helping me with my homework today if that's alright?"

"Yeah of course" She said surprised

I finished all of my food and got my stuff to go to school.

I've been making sure that I'm not doing anything that shows how I'm really feeling. I've been carful not to say what I'm thinking out loud and I've been watching my hands to make sure I don't start scratching.

School was meh and Stacy just left. I should probably get my grades up before high school.

Avery popped into me and Amy's room and said she wanted to talk to me alone so Amy left.
"How are you Scar?"

"I'm good" I said as genuine sounding as possible.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah actually, I feel great" I said with a smile

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