Chapter 5 I'm Done

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I woke in the morning feeling better than yesterday. Amy already left for school because her school starts earlier than mine. I walked downstairs to see Stan making breakfast.

"Oh good morning Scarlett"

"Good morning"

"How are you feeling?"

"Better. And Im sorry about yesterday, I didn't mean to be so rude"

"It's fine but I did want to talk to you about something"


"Well Adam told me about last night after you ran upstairs and locked yourself in your room"

"Ok, I was frustrated"

"Well we think it would be best if you started going to counseling sessions"


"You need help coping with things"

"What about Amy"

"Her too, but I'm more concerned about you"

"What about me"

"We've seen your record"

"Ok so?"

"I know about your dad and your eating disorder. As well as your anxiety and self harm"

"I don't know what your talking about"

"Please just try it"

"I don't have anxiety or a eating disorder and I DON'T self harm. I have to get to school"

I walk out the door and walk the extra 10 minutes it takes to get to my normal bus stop. I see a worried Stacy.

"Oh thank god I was so worried about you!"

"Really, why?" I say sarcastically.

"You know why"

"Whatever, did I miss anything?"

"No not really"

"Ok that's good"


At school I'm immediately met with James at my locker.

"Where were you baby girl"

"None of your business asshole"

"Well that's no way to treat me"

"Fuck you James"

"Oh come on you know you want me"

"No I don't"

"Aww why not"

"Because your the type of guy to grow up and become a serial rapist"

"That's mean and not true"

"Your funny"


I walk away to my first class. I see Matt and Daniel as always and we talk awhile. And the day is actually going pretty good until English.

"Ok. Ok. Scarlett your needed in the guidance office. Take your stuff since class is almost over"

"Ok" I say kind of annoyed.

I walk into the office preparing for the worst.

"Hi Scarlett you can take a seat"


"So how has it been"

"Fine, now why did you call me here"

"Well to get straight to the point it's about your self inflicted injuries"

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