Chapter 43 Jump

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I hear a car pull up. It's Avery's car, as well as some police and ambulances. I get up and walk to the back of the roof. I think they saw me up here because I hear people coming into the building. They're loud footsteps manage to make it all the way up here into my ears.
"What do I do now?"

People are coming, people are down there, I'm trapped. I'm not going to a hospital. I'm not. I walk back over to the edge and look down at all the lights. I here police burst through the roof door as well as my family.
"That's the first time I thought of them as my family"

"Scarlett please come back from the edge" I hear a voice say

I turn around so that they can't sneak up on me. I see Avery, Amy, Jamie, and a bunch of police officers slowly coming closer to me. I look down, all it'll take is one step. One step and this is all over.
"Scarlett I know your in pain but please don't do this" I hear Avery say.

It's weird how close we are or were. I'm still not sure where we stand. She's my older older sister. Thinking about it right now feels weird. Does she wanna know what I'm thinking?
"Scarlett please" I hear her say. I look at Amy and she has tears in her eyes. I flashed back to when I tried to jump off of that bridge and Matt caught me. One step.
"You know why I'm doing this right?"

"Yeah, because your scared to go to the hospital"

"No. Because I don't want to. I absolutely hated  it at the last one and I'll hate it at this one"

"But it'll help you-

"Help me?? I watched my only friend in that place get wheeled out on a stretcher with both of her wrists slit. I slit my wrists after being there for a week! One fucking week!! Your 18 you have the choice, I don't. So would you please stop trying to make yourself feel better and listen to what Im saying?!?!"

"Ok Scar"


"We won't send you to that hospital"

"And how do I know your not lying to get me to get away from the edge?"

"I promise"

I see the officers start to creep closer to me.
"One more step from any of you and I'll step back and we'll all get to see a splattered 14 year old on the ground. Bits of brains and skull fragments will be everywhere and the cement will be stained with my blood for weeks. So unless you want that I'd suggest staying put"

They stopped moving and Avery kept talking.
"Scarlett I swear we won't send you away. What do I have to say for you to believe me??"

"Swear on mom and dads graves"

Tears started rolling down her face as she looked at me.
"I swear on mom and dads graves we won't send you away"

"I hope you know that if your lying our relationship is over. I will never trust you again. Never tell you anything again. You will mean nothing to me. I'll hate you with all of my existence. And I will never forgive you"

"Okay. Now please step away from the edge"

"I'd like to enjoy the view and the fresh air a little while longer before I'm sent to that hospital"

"Scar I won't send you there"

"But the state will. I'm seemingly a danger to myself so they have no choice. Even if I say I won't do it again there's a good chance they'll still send me away"

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