Darkneses Return....

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Not my manip but I love it. Anyway enjoy :) Maturity warning ⚠️ Rey is now 5 months pregnant they've been engaged for 3 months.

Bens POV
I turned over and whispered in Reys ear
"good morning my sweet".
"Who's there!?" Rey yelled force throwing me off the bed.
"Ow" I said.
"Rey it's just me?"
"Kylo what are you doing in my bed did my grandfather put you up to this!?"
"What Rey your grandfather!?"
"Yea he like wants you to get me pregnant so he can train Palpatine Skywalker children or whatever" Rey said.
"And it's empress, empresss Palpatine or queen is what you usually call me babe not sweetie or what ever the fu*k you called me".  Rey said getting up off the bed.
"God I'm going to kill him.." Rey said.
"Wait you already did kill him?
"Are you feeling ok r..." I paused as Rey gave me a look
" ..My empress.. babe whatever." I asked confused.
"Yea I'm fine I should be asking you the same thing babe I mean Why are you wearing a sweater not very Supreme leader like." Rey said laughing.
"Wait where am I where's Exogol KYLO WHAT DId YOU DO!!!!" Rey screamed.
"Uh it was a joke b abe.. I uh yea thought you would like it haha funny so you stay here and I'll be right back ok ok bye.." I said awkwardly as I left her room.  I knew Rey was up to something so I followed her coordinates as she made her way to the ruins of the Death Star.
On the Death Star
I made my way to where the throne room previously stood and what I found was shocking. I found Rey standing over the dead body of her dark self? To be honest I was kind of confused. She had now taken her dark selfs form and was holding a double bladed saber pretty cool.
"Kylo what are you doing here?"
"I uhh I..."
"I sense unease upon my appearance BEN?!" She said walking towards me.
"No I love the new look Rey.. I mean empress very dark side."
"Well I'm going back to that retched base you coming?"
"Yea I'll be there my empress"
I said as Rey left truth is I had to go do something first.......

On tatooine
"Be with me"
"be with me.."
"son" my mom said.
"Hi mom I uh need to talk to you about something"
"has Rey gone into the dark side phase"
"what how did you know!?" I asked.
"Your father had the same look on his face when I had my dark phase when I was pregnant with you."
"So uh it's not a dream" I asked.
"congratulations son" my mom said chucking.
"Fu*k you" I said annoyed.
"Sorry fu*k you mother or you mother fu*ker." I said.
"Ok I deserved that but don't worry Rey won't be like that forever just until you can get her to remember who she is."
"Are you shi*ing me mother how the fu*k am I supposed to do that she still thinks her grandfathers alive and thinks I'm Kylo?!"
"Well then show her your not show her who she is but I wouldn't leave her alone she's not herself right now". My mom said worried.
"Pshh come on mom it's Rey how much harm could she do." I said sarcastically.

Back at base
I got off the falcon everything was practically on fire people were injured they were all giving me a dirty look thins couldn't possibly be Reys doing could it?
"What the hell happened here Poe?"
"Rey is what happened not sure what she was doing but.." I cut Poe off
"so apparently one of a Jedi's pregnancy phases is to turn into there alter ego Reys just happens to be a murderous double bladed saber hot pointy testy empress." I said. "What?" Poe said confused.
"She's bad ok bad."
"Well you better do something about her".
"Relax Poe I'll handle it."
"Look there she is"
"hey r.. Babe". I said as Rey walked over to me.
"There's my Supreme leader" she said seductively running her hand down my chest.Don't get turned on Ben it's not her it's not.
"Yup I'm here"
"you would be really proud of me Babe I killed 50 people and blew up 10 ships." Rey said proudly.
"Wow I've only been gone 5 minutes that's impressive." I said.
"DONT ENCOURAGE HER!!" Poe said yelling at me.
"Sorry but you have to again that is impressive."
"Hey Rey.. I mean Babe I have an idea let's go back to your room ok?"
"Ok" she said smirking I don't know what she thought I was just trying to get her from causing anymore havoc.
Back in Reys Quarters
"So.." Rey said smirking at me taking out her buns.
"What you want to do." She said dangerously close to me with my back to the wall.
"I I.." before I could finish Reys lips crashed into mine I couldn't resist returning her kiss but quickly stopped.
"Fu*k me Kylo" She said as she started unraveling her wraps which gave me my chance. "Sorry Rey" I said as I knocked Rey out with the force as she fell into my arms. I picked her up bridal style as I took her to the falcon. My mom said make Rey remember so I knew just where to go, to the place I really fell in love with Rey the place she fell in love with me Achto........
I hope you liked this chapter sorry it's not the best the next will be better :) I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and continue to enjoy this story:)

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