Getting Back to you...

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This is from Bens POV after he "died"
Bens POV
I felt Reys hand in mine...and I looked into her eyes one last time before everything went black... I woke up in a strange place I didn't know where I was I didn't see anyone and I didn't see Rey....
"Rey!" I called out but there was no reply.... "she's not here Ben.."
I heard a familiar voice say.
I said turning towards my old master.
"But but no that means..."
"I'm sorry Ben but you made a brave sacrifice your a true Jedi" Luke said.
"and an even truer Skywalker" Anakin said coming out from behind Luke.
"You did it you did what I never could Ben.."
"I guess I did.." I replied.
"I just I..."
"you miss her.. right?" Anakin said.
"Yea but..."
"What? Ben?"
"I don't think she misses me I mean she always hated me.... she thought I was a monster and she was right..."
I said as tears began to drip down my face. Luke walked over to me placing his hand on my shoulder.
"You need to see this.."
He waved his hand revealing Rey or at least an image of her.
"How did you do that?" I asked.
"I'm a Jedi I can do whatever the hell I want Ben".
I looked at Rey she was in Luke's X-wing holding my sweater as she began to sob. It had just occurred to me I wasn't wearing a shirt but that didn't matter right now... I continued to watch Rey sob she did miss me.....
"oh Ben..."
"why did. You have to leave me.."
"I...I..." "love you...."
I heard her say as tears began to fall down my face. I just wanted to go to her I wanted to hold her in my arms I wanted to say I'm right here sweetheart....But I couldn't....
"and there's no..." I started saying before Luke cut me off.
"No Ben there's no way to get you back..."
"how did you.." I started saying before Luke cut me off again.
"Rey had the same look on her face when she asked if she could get back"
"Rey wanted to get back to me?...
"yup she was practically on her hands and knees begging to go back to you."
Luke said as I once again felt my eyes fill up with tears.
"Thanks for saving her by the way I thought she was going to murder us all if she couldn't get back.." Luke said.
"But your already dead?"
"Exactly Ben"
"Well then that doesn't make any sense she can't kill you if you already dead..."
"But ...she can't ugggg ok whatever.." "I didn't say she was going to Kill us I said she Looked like she was going too..."
"Just think of how she looks when she's fighting you Ben..."
"wow thanks for reminding me of us fighting each other" I said sarcastically.
"Happy to help"
Luke said patting me on the back as I rolled my eyes.
"Hello there" I heard a voice say.
"Is this the boy who was named after me"?
He said gesturing to Luke.
"Yup that's Ben"
"Wow Luke your right he is ENORMOUS!"
"I know right man I don't know how Leia even gave birth to that thing"
They said as my cheeks began to turn red.
"Ok ok enough of that.." I said.
"Well it's true"Luke said.
"Yea your friend Rey knew it too"
"when she saw you shirtless whoa she was that that man is huge." Obi wan said.
"we see everything Ben"
"so you've seen my uhhh..."
"oh yea we've seen everything" Luke said.
"Ok uhh I'm officially concerned"
"my favorite one was that meltdown you had after Rey rejected you that was hilarious"
"you got to man up son"
My dad said as I ran over and jumped into his arms.
"I'm soo sorry dad I love you."
I said as tears streamed down my face.
"I know" he said.
"Uhhhh why is he not wearing a shirt?"
"Son where is your shirt?"
My dad asked confused.
"Uhhh Yea all you guys have your clothes why don't I have my shirt?"
"We don't exactly know..."
"yea uhh still trying to figure that out..."
"uhh I have a theory..." Luke said.
"I uhhh think maybe when you... you see..." "Just spit it OUT SON!" Anakin said.
"Well I don't really know but I think it's because of Rey..."
"What she wanted to see him shirtless again" Obi wan said laughing.
"Haha very funny you know it's weird my first idea for Reys family was you I mean it made sense right?"
"Haha I guess it does make sense except Jedi's aren't aloud to engage in love."
"Well then how was my mom born?"
"Because your Grandfather was a player.."
Obi wan said as Anakin started cracking up saying
"I guess I was."
"You were Anakin"
"Anyway back to the weird me being shirtless thing you said it's because of Rey??"
"Oh uhh yes well I think you see I think when you died Rey was trying so hard to hold onto you to some part of you and I think... correct me if I'm wrong you wanted to leave apart of you to stay with her so it was your sweater..." "because that showed her you were changed that you were good so did you I mean she could feel it but even before when she saw that sweater she knew...."
Luke finished as tears began to drip down my face.
"Man Luke when did you become so sappy" my dad said.
"Says the guy who fell in love with my sister 2 seconds after meeting her,
"I didn't know if I hated her or I loved her"..
"Ok that's fair speaking of Leia has anyone seen her?"
My dad asked and right after their she was. "I'm right here..." she said smiling.
My dad ran over to her and held him in his arms.
"I'm so sorry Leia for everything....I love you.." "I know"
she said as she planted a kiss on his lips. Than she turned to me
"Ben go to her.."
"I can't Luke said there's no way to get back...." "but there is if a family member gives up their life force for another..."
"but mom that means you can't be with dad that means you can't be here with all the Jedi....".
"Ben one your father is no Jedi he's only here to welcome you then he goes back... and two I would do Anything for you because that's what mothers do."
She said as she placed her hand on my cheek... "now what are you Waiting for Go To her.." "are you sure mom..."
"Ben I had my life and it wasn't perfect but it was mine and it was beautiful..."
"so go have your own beautiful life make your own mistakes and most of all never forget what's most important...."
"what's that?"
"Love...." My mom said.
She placed he hands in mine as smiled whispered
"do you still have it?"
I nodded holding the ring in my hand.
"Good she said "
"I give you everything.."
I watched as everything faded away and went black again... I woke up laying in sand and then I saw her Rey... My Rey... I was home.....

Hope you enjoyed this chapter:) I'll try to update soon a
So anyone watch twiches 2 well that's where I got the I give you everything:)

Reys big secretDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora