My friends...

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Cover is not my art:)

Reys POV
Rose came over to me and hugged me as I sobbed on her shoulder.
"I miss him" I said bawling.
"Shhh I know it's ok Rey it will be ok I promise"
we stopped hugging and sat down at the edge of my bed as I wiped my tears from my face. "You want to talk about it... talk about him.." Rose asked me. I didn't really know what to say I mean it was really hard to talk about him it just reminded me of him our memories together and it reminded me of his last breaths. So I made a slight joke of it so I didn't start bawling but I was also speaking straight up facts.
"Well he was really..really...cute and it was... really.. really big"
I said to Rose before we were interrupted by Connix.
"Well I just happened to be listening to your conversation and I've only ever dated a guy with one big front tooth and it kinda nipped a little but have you ever dated a guy with no teeth at all?"
Rose and I stood at each other very confused at what was happening because that's not what I was talking about when I said big but I wasn't going to correct her.
"No" we both said shaking our heads.
"Well it's really something"
"cool thank for letting us know" I said.
"Will look into it" Rose chimed in.
"Well ok see you guys later"
"bye" Connix said as she left the room.
Rose and I both looked at each other and started cracking up.
"What was that" I said laughing.
"But seriously Rey what was he like none of us knew him... all we know is he meant a lot to you... forgive me for saying this but we just saw the monster I want to know what you saw.... "Well I said I geuss we've always had a connection... Ben was always there for me and no matter how many times we fought I knew he would never hurt me I mean he's had so many chances too but he never could... we grew a stronger relationship when I went to find Luke that's when we started having our force connections..." I said.
"Yea tell me about them..." Rose said.
"Well the most awkward one was when Ben was shirtless I'm pretty show he was about to take a shower I really don't know why but I asked him to put on a towel or shirt on.."
I said giggling.
"Why?" Rose asked.
"Well for one he's huge and so hot I couldn't contain myself and I knew he could read my mind. And I really didn't want him to read my mind at that moment anyway it got pretty depressing after that Ben told me about Luke trying to murder him in his sleep..."
"Wait what!?" Rose said.
"but my favorite force connection with him was when we touched hands I'll never forget what he said to me I was upset saying I felt so alone and he said your not alone and I said neither are you...."
"awwww" Rose commented.
"Yea well then Luke had to totally ruin the moment then after that I got myself ready to see him I thought I could turn him.."
"got your self ready oooo was it a date?" Rose said excitedly.
"No no... kinda all I did was took my hair part way down then I put on a bens old outfit he brushed his hair ok maybe it was kinda a date but wait it gets better..."
"wait you were wearing his clothes!!!"
"I mean sorta yea Just his old tunic it was on the falcon"
"I'm listening" Rose said very intrigued.
"Well then it got pretty hot in the elevator we almost kissed but he had to ruin the moment with a stupid a*s comment anyway next he killed Snoke because he was torturing me..." "aww he was protecting his baby" Rose said. "Haha yea I guess anyway and I touched his thigh.."
"you what!?"
"Yea so then we were like a total bad a*s power couple I saved his life he saved mine and so on but then...."
"he asked me to join him on the dark side and I just couldn't he said you have no place in this story you come from nothing but not to me.." "wow now I know something he's terrible at flirting". Rose said laughing.
"Yea well the bit not to me thing was cute I don't know I mean I just loved him no matter what he did what he said so couldn't stop loving him... he was just apart of me he made me feel wanted someone cared about me and someone that loved me... someone that I loved my family he's always been there for me... we're a dyad in the force two that are one.." Tears began to drip down my face then Poe came in.
"Hey uhhh Rose mind if I talk to Rey for a bit?" "Sure"
Rose replied walking out of my room. Poe came over and sat next to me.
"Hey look I'm really sorry about what Finn said and I'm really sorry about Ben..."
"thanks" I said quietly.
"Rey I know we're not the closest but I do care about you, your like a sister to me plus we both care about Ben..."
"I knew him.. we we're friends some say brothers..." Poe said.
"That's why Ben told me to tell you.." I mumbled.
"What did he say to tell me?" Poe asked.
I just stayed silent I didn't know if I had the strength to repeat Bens Last words... Poe deserves to know but I...
"Rey what did he say!"
"Tell me!!!"
Poe said grabbing my arm and threatening to punch me...
"I'm sorry Rey it's just..."
"it's ok you deserve to know..."
I took a deep breath
"Ben told me to tell you.... he's sorry..."
I watched as tears started to fill Poe's eyes... "hey Poe can you tell me about Ben?"
"Rey I'm sure you know a lot more about Ben then I do if you know what I mean he said smirking.
"Haha really funny, but really I want to know what he was like before..."
"before what?"
"Before the darkness..."
"oh well I don't remember much we were pretty young something I do remember though is Ben never wanted to be a Jedi"
"Really?" I asked.
"Yea he said he would rather be a pilot or even a smuggler like his dad... he just felt a lot of pressure being a Jedi his legacy made people expect so much from him..."
"do you remember anything else?" I asked.
"He also loved chasing blue butterflies but only the blue ones any others he would just leave alone."
"And?" I asked.
"Well when Ben was about 8 or 9 he went to go train at Luke's Jedi temple he had already been training with Luke though just now he was going away"
"did you miss him when he left?" I asked.
"Of course he was my buddy but I understood I was crushed to here that he turned..." 
"im so sorry Poe that must have been hard"
I said.
"It was" he replied.
"The worst part was watching my buddy turn into a monster watching him torture me but I always knew there was still good in him he let me go he could have killed me when he got his information but he didn't..."
"kinda like you and him huh he could have killed you but he didn't?"
"yea" I replied.
"Do you remember anything else?"
"Oh there's one more thing I think you want to know..."
"go on I'm listening" I said.
"Well I didn't here from Ben until he was about 10 he called me on the holonet he was in complete shock..."
"but he was also really happy he said"
"hey buddy the craziest thing just happened I just saw a baby girl being born I felt it"
"at the temple isn't that like against the rule things"
"No no like I saw her through the force she was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen she had beautiful brown hair with a shimmer of light in her hazel eyes"
"woah that's cool"
"yea I know but It gets even crazier I've always felt that half of me was missing and today when this baby was born I felt like that piece was filled I felt a connection to her I felt love for her I know it's crazy but I don't know I feel like we're destined for each other like some day in the future we will meet and fall in love I don't know it's crazy I'm a ten year old in love with a baby"
"that's wow I mean maybe you are connected through the magical force thing I would ask you uncle."
"He wouldn't accept it Jedi aren't aloud to love..."
"Well bye buddy I have to go more training"
"bye Ben" Poe finished.
"After that he would always talk about when he would see the girl he never interacted though he didn't want to get in trouble but he would send blue butterflies so the girl might have an idea he was there..."
"he felt things she felt in breezes or force connections that continued to get stronger" Poe added.
I sat there in complete shock.
"See Rey that baby girl that was you... Bens always loved you since the moment you were born...and he ever stopped loving you...."

Thank you next :) hope you noticed that reference anyway hope you liked this chapter :) sorry it's long

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