The proposal part 1

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TO START OFF HOLY COW 4K Reads #1 in Reylo THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I love you 🥺💗ok on to the story The moment everyone's been waiting for has arrived I mean I hope everyone's been waiting for Ben to propose anyway on with the story....

Bens POV
I woke up with Rey's head on my chest, it felt so right holding her in my arms. I know today is the day I mean I can't wait any longer.... I was excited to propose to Rey but the thing is I... I don't know how or even if I deserve Rey.... I mean she's so amazing and I'm just some well I was a monster I guess I still am... My thoughts were interrupted by Rey removing her head from my chest.
"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you." I whispered to Rey.
"Its ok"
she said smiling at me as she brushed my hair back planting a kiss on my lips. I just smiled back at her and blushed a little.
Rey said as she got of the bed and I rushed over to help her.
"Are you ok?"
"Yea I'm... I'm fine just.. I'm fine" she said very unconvincingly.
"Ok..." I said a little concerned.
"Hey Ben what's that thing in your pocket??"
"WHAT no it's uhh nothing"
"Ben there is definitely something in your pocket it looks kinda shiny an..."
Rey managed to say before I cut her off knowing it was the ring.
"I SAID ITS NOTHING.." I accidentally yelled.
"Ok jeez fine..." Rey said annoyed.
Rey and I got dressed and started heading to the dining hall which I wasn't that excited to do..
"Oh by the way Ben I know who Hannah is so don't try to keep it a secret..." Rey randomly said walking past me into the dinning hall.
"What Rey what are you talking about?!"
"Hannah oh how you loved her and couldn't bare to leave her.!" Rey said turning around.
"Did you read my DirAry!!???"
"Maybe I did" she scoffed.
"Hey buddy there's my favorite couple"
Poe said looking at Rey and I as we awkwardly smiled at each other.
"Yup that's us" Rey said sarcastically."
"Well I wanted to say don't worry about anyone Ben there's no one else here besides us and Rose and Finn perks of being the general" Poe said proudly.
"Oh good we have the ex stormtrooper dumbo obsessed with my girlfriend and then we have the random best friend of my girlfriend who I don't know what in the world she does.." I said annoyed.
"Ben!" Rey said slapping.
"what it's true.."
"uh ok want to go eat" Poe said awkwardly.
"Uhh Yea.."
Rey and I both said as we awkwardly sat next to each other.
When we were done eating....
"So should I be worried your going to do some Jedi mind trick on me?" Fn-2187 asked. "No you see you need to have a mind to do mind tricks on people and you don't have one so .. oh well" I said chucking as Rey elbowed me.
"What? It's true he has no mind I don't think any of them do."
I said continuing to laugh as Rey just kept giving me a look.
"Ben can you try to act a little more like your part of this family"
"like your actually on our side!" Rey said annoyed.
"Oh really your one to talk" I scoffed.
"Excuse me" Rey said raising her voice at me.
"Your parents left you and threw you away like garbage,you don't know how a family is supposed to act."
"You know Damn well my parents didn't want to leave me!" Rey yelled as she stood up from the table.
"What is your problem?!"
"What is wrong with you?"
"And They still left you." I scoffed again getting up from the table as well.
"Oh and you know sooo much about how a family acts don't you?" Rey said sarcastically.
"Let's see you killed you dad, kinda killed your uncle and your mom!"
"Your whole family is dead because of You your the Last Skywalker because your had to Go and Murder everyone." rey yelled.
"I didn't kill my Mom!" I yelled back at Rey.
"No but she died because she was trying to stop you from Killing Me!"
"Yea well I.!"
"Oh and also your parents were happy the Whole Galaxy was happy and at peace until You came in and destroyed everything!"
"I thought that was what my grandfather wanted!"
You dumb as* Darth Vader turned in the end why would he want you To go down that same dark path!!"
"I didn't even know he was my grandfather or anything about him!!"
"And at least I had a family that stayed you don't know anything about family or how to be in one or caring about others Because your just some girl from nowhere your nothing and you always will be so don't tell me I don't know how to act like a family because I know a lot more than you!" I yell as I see tears start to fill Reys eyes, and that's when I knew I fuc*ed up...
" know what! I did know nothing about family about love about caring for someone UNTIL I met you!"
"But I was wrong because I still am nothing to you... and I always will be..."
Rey said with tears dripping down her face as she ran out of the dinning hall.
"Rey wait" I said
"I'm sorry..."
Ok I know this isn't a very Reylo love chapter but I wanted to add some conflict because relationships are not perfect there's ups and downs and I felt my story didn't really have that so here you go but don't worry they will make up Ben will propose I promise and there will be a happy ending :) hope you enjoyed this chapter and continue to enjoy this story:)

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