The wayfinder......

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Just a quick recap Rey was on the falcon with Poe and Finn after Ben asked her to join him again and she said no again.. And Rey finally told Poe and Finn that she was pregnant with Bens well Kylo rens baby, lol they were kinda shocked. Anyway so now she's going to find the way finder I just wanted to clarify that this fanfic is based off TROS but from Rey and Bens points of views and more added scenes and dialogue so I won't have all the same scenes I hope you enjoy:)

Reys POV
Poe, Finn and I landed, well I don't even think I can call that a landing. We crashed on a strange planet that were the coordinates in-scripted on the way finder.
"Hey how are you buddy?" Poe asked me.
"I'm ok" I said to Poe.
As we walked farther I saw something a dark place I could sense it....
"It's the Death Star a dark place from an old war..." I said.
I knew that's where the way finder was but where? I held up the dagger and it revealed where the way finder was, I knew I needed it I sensed it and I'm glad I went back for it or we would be lost.
"That's where the way finder is" I announced.
The people who lived on this planet said the waters were too dangerous and I would have to wait till morning, but I knew I had to go I knew I couldn't wait... I had to find the way finder find Exegol and end this war.... Once Finn, Poe and the others had left I went and grabbed one of their "boats" and headed to find the way finder. Once I was inside I climbed up the sides and got to the top room where the way finder was.
"Owww" I said as I jumped.
I was breathing very heavily but I kept going, I placed my hand on my stomach and said.
"You don't wanna make things easier for momma do you? I laughed a little.
"Nope you don't that's ok mommas got this."
I walked through a mini pool of water with old stormtrooper armor thrown everywhere, this place I knew it I had seen it in visions. I continued to walk until I came into a room, there was a half destroyed throne and what looked like a door. As I walked closer to the door it opened up revealing the way finder, but just then I felt a cold chill and sensed myself? I turned to see me only it wasn't me but a version of me a dark version of me... I struggled to fight this other version of me and was thrown over causing me to drop the way finder. I then sensed a familiar presence I turned to see Ben holding the way finder in his hand, I didn't know what to say I mean I had rejected to join him ,.... twice. I probably had broken his heart but he had also broke mine.
"Ben how did you find me?"
"I told you Rey you can't hide, .... not from me" .
I paused as Ben looked at me tightly holding the way finder in his hand.
"Give it to me" I said
"Darkness is in our nature surrender to it" Ben said to me.
"Give me" I said once more with more conviction.
"The only way your getting to Exegol is with me" Ben said as he crushed the way finder in his hand.
"NOOooo" I screamed.
I took out my lightsaber violently swinging it at Ben, but he wasn't taking out his saber. I didn't want to hurt him of course I didn't want to but I was just filled with so much rage the way finder was my only chance and he destroyed it! Plus with me being pregnant you do not want to make me mad and Ben had made me very mad. He had pi**ed off a pregnant women and he would be sorry for what he did very sorry. Ben and I went outside still swinging our sabers at each other, I didn't know how this would end or would it ever... As I was fighting Ben I sensed someone Finn...
I heard Finn call out to me. I look at him and threw him back using the force. "NoOoooOo" I screamed at Finn.

Bens POV
Rey was turned around and if I was really trying to kill her or hurt her I could have just done it right there when she was distracted, but I couldn't no matter how many times I said I wanted to kill her I just couldn't I would never hurt Rey... Especially with her carrying my unborn child I couldn't hurt her I didn't even want to fight her but here we are fighting.... again.... I could see Rey was tired it was probably taking a lot out of her but she didn't stop. I didn't know what to do one wrong move and I could kill her but one wrong move and she could kill me... I had to find a way to stop this before either one of us got hurt... But how..... ????

Hope you enjoyed this and continue to enjoy my fan fictions if you haven't already make sure to check out my other fanfic "Come back to me Ben a reylo AU:)

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