I cant hide it anymore....

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To recap this is basically after Rey rejects joining kylo again and now their heading to find the way finder I hope you enjoy:)

Reys POV
I had no idea what to do I found myself lost hurt and confused of course I wanted to take his hand and raise our child but that was with Ben... I knew Ben loved me and I knew I loved Ben , I just I didn't know... I mean he was on the opposing side and... Suddenly I began to feel pains in my stomach and all of a sudden I felt really light headed...
"Ben" I whispered before collapsing to the ground.
"Rey" I heard Bens distance voice calling to me.
I woke up with a wet cloth on my forehead laying down, with Finn and Poe standing over me.
"Oh good we thought we lost you buddy." Poe said to me.
"Wha what happened"? I managed to say.
"Well you fainted Rey.."
"I was so worried we both were" Finn said to me.
"Well I'm fine guys I swear".
As I tried to get up I instantly felt the pains again.
"Ahhh" I yelled.
"REYYYY are you ok!?" Finn yelled.
"I'm fine Finn you don't need to yell I'm right here."
"Rey what's really wrong?" Poe said.
"Did that monster hurt you Rey?" Finn asked.
"He's not a MONSTER" I yelled.
"And it's nothing like that..." I mumbled.
"Rey why won't you tell us what's wrong?"
"Because it's none of your BUSINESS that's WhY" I yelled.
"I'm sorry I I guess you guys deserve to know your both like family to me..."
"Truth is I'm fine I mean physically..."
I really wasn't emotionally fine but I didn't need to explain that.
"Ok truth is I'm pregnant.."
"Your What!?" They both yelled in perfect sink.
"I'm pregnant Ok! And Ben solos the father..." I said.
"Who the hell is Ben solo Rey!?" Finn asked.
"You just got friend zoned so fast" Poe said laughing at Finn.
"What do you mean I don't like Rey"
"Oh come on your obsessed with her Finn."
"No im NOT"
"Yes you ARE your always like REEYYYYY"!!
"Not always!"
"Uh yess"
"Well your obse..."
I cut them off because if they didn't shut up and stop talking I was going to personally kill them myself.
"Would you both Shut the F**k up!! Or I will personally take my lightsaber and stab it through you both GOD!!"
"Yea she is definitely pregnant" Poe whispered.
"What did You SAY Poe are you calling me FAT!!!"
"No no sir sorry I'll be quiet" Poe said nervously.
"Thank you now like I was saying Ben solo is the father of my unborn child but you know him as um well uh Kylo Ren..." I said pausing.
"You slept with the supreme LEADER of the first order REY!!" Finn Yelled. I knew it now you've done it Rey oh you should have just kept your big mouth shut...
"No I mean yes I have slept with him but not in the way you think you see sometimes the force connects us when we're sleeping and you know sometimes I'll end up laying on his chest or next to him" I said starting to blush remembering the moments when I'd wake up on his smooth bare chest. "but anyway..." I said snapping back to reality.
"I don't blame her man I mean when he interrogated me woooo that man is HOT!!" "I would sleep with him too I don't care how many people he's killed." Poe said.
Alright I could have gone my whole life not hearing that but I mean he's not wrong he's hot but that's not why I love him..
"You guys don't understand its kinda a long story and really hard to explain..."
"But I guess you guys just deserved to finally know..."
"That's what's been up with me it's just hard because..."
I paused before I totally confessed my feelings for Ben in front of everyone.
"But Rey why did you faint and why were you in so much pain? Finn asked.
"Dude why did you say that!" Poe yelled at Finn.
"Do you know what it's like Finn!"
"To have a child in you!"
"To have the father of your child constantly killing people and you just want him to return to the light so he can help raise your child with you!"
Tears start to pour down my face.
"That he keeps wanting you to join him but you know you could never do that no matter how hard you just want to be with him and take his hand no matter how hard you just want to be with him.."
Tears continue to pour down my face.
"The love of your life your soulmate being on the other side of you, feeling like your torn apart between both sides.."
"But not Kylos hand you want Ben but every time you think Bens back the darkness takes over bringing back Kylo..."
"You know that no matter what you do the only one who can cause him to turn back is him and you can't make that decision for him".
"All you want is for him and you to raise your child together because he already is like family he's your true love he showed you love when no one else did."
You were alone all your life any you finally have the chance to have a family be with your love but he WONT TURN!!"
Sh*t so much for not exposing my feelings towards Ben.
"That's why Finn!" I say sobbing.
"That's why I'm in pain."
I cover my eyes and continue to sob my eyes now stinging and bloodshot. I looked at Finn and Poe just standing there looking at me then they both came over to me and gave me a big hug.
"I'm so sorry Rey.." Finn said.
"Will get through this together Rey you have us..." Poe said.
"Thank you guys I love you."
I say as we all hug and cry on each other's shoulders. I felt secure and safe with them they were like my brothers, I knew they always had my back and I had there's. I knew I could turn Ben I knew he was still there and I wouldn't stop until Ben solo was back and Kylo was gone... Till my Ben was back....

I hope you enjoyed this chapter so now they know thank you for all the support on my Fanfics I hope you enjoy and continue to enjoy this story:)

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