Rey on Ach to..

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Hi I'm back and finally updating again I was just have a writers block but I'm back so as you know Rey has just stolen Kylos ship and has arrived on Ach to And Ben is back on the Death Star the next chapter will be his point of view but just imagine these events are happening at the same time just in different places hope you enjoy:)

Reys POV
I launched the Tie Fighter into the galaxy and was on my way. I couldn't stop thinking about Ben what he had said what I said... I just left him there he had no way back... But it didn't matter I was running away escaping it all. I had nearly killed Ben the man I love so much who is the father to my unborn child I couldn't risk losing control and hurting anyone else.... I had to leave, it was the only way to ensure everyone's safety. Once I landed on Ach too I started to burn Rens ship I wasn't going to be tempted to leave and there was no point in leaving anyway.... The First Order the dark side had won and The resistance the light would fall... And there was nothing I could do I had already almost killed Ben I couldn't risk hurting anyone else... I stared at the lightsaber in my hand I was done with it, done with the force, the Jedi, all of it. I swung my arm tossing the lightsaber into the fire, but it was stopped by Luke. I watched as Luke's force ghost emerged out of the burning wreckage and he began to speak...
"A Jedi's weapon deserves more respect"
"Master Skywalker" I said in shock.
"What are you doing"? Luke asked me.
"I saw myself of the sith throne I won't let that happen I'm staying here I'm doing what you did" I replied.
"I was wrong" Luke said.
"It was fear that kept me here"
"Let me ask you Rey what are you most afraid of?"
I paused for a moment when Luke asked this then I gave my answer.
"Myself.." I said.
"Because your a Palpatine.."
"Leia knew too" Luke said.
"She never told me,  ....
"she still trained me..."
"Because she saw your heart" Luke said.
"Come with me there's something my sister would want you to have.." Luke said as we walked into a room.
Behind some rocks Luke took out Leia's saber and placed it in my hands.
"She said she sensed the death of her son at the end of her Jedi path so she surrendered her saber to me in hopes it would be picked up again" Luke told me.
"Ben.." I said.
"Rey what else is bothering you?"
"I know it's not just the fear of yourself and your family's past.."
"there's more..." Luke asked me.
"It's it's just..." I paused.
"I don't know how to be a mother much less know how to take care of anyone I was left when I was a child I don't even remember... my parents ever taking care of me or how they did..."
"And I'm afraid..." I said.
"I obviously don't know anything about being a parent either Rey but I know my sister felt the same way when she was pregnant with Ben.."
"Did you tell Ben?..." Luke asked.
"I... Yes I told him..."
"And what did he say?"
"He asked me to join him... again"
"He said we could raise our child together and rule the galaxy.."
"Why didn't you join him?" Luke asked me.
"You wAnT Me To JoI N the DARK SIDE??!!" I said in shock.
"Of course not Rey but it sounds like a Ben was offering you everything you want I just want to know what stopped you from joining him?....."
"He didn't offer me everything I wanted" I replied.
"I mean of course I want to raise our child together but I know I could never join Kylo..."
"I don't love Kylo and he is not the father of my unborn child Ben is I love Ben Solo but I could never love Kylo Ren..."
"And as much as people try to convince me the darkness is in my nature and that is my destiny I know that's not true I know I'm meant to help the galaxy not destroy it.." "That's why"... I say.
"Correct a thousand generations of Jedi live in you now.."
"Every Jedi has a destiny your destiny if you don't face Palpatine it will mean the end of the Jedi and that the darkness has won.."
"You will take both sabers with you". Luke says.
"I can't I burned Rens ship I have no way.." I was cut off by Luke
"you have everything you need"
I walk out of the hut and go to the burnt tie fighter I pull out the way finder and head over to Luke, who is using the force to lift his X wing out of the water. That was the same ship I saw in the water that was the same ship I would take to Exegol... I had a plan I would show them the way the Resistance would come and I would fulfill my destiny and end the sith once and for all...
Well here it is Bens POV will be in the next chapter hope you enjoyed this chapter and continue to enjoy this story and my other fanfics:)

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