The final battle part 4

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⚠️ After or before reading please remember TO READ THE MESSAGE AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAST THE PICTURE AT THE END REPEAT READ THE MESSAGE ⚠️ It is very important that you do so! I hope you like this chapter and remember everything follows the same events as the rise of Skywalker just told in a different way with a happy ending..

Reys POV
I slowly turned my body so my back was laying on the rocks.. I looked up as a tear dropped down my face Palpatine was killing everyone his lightning was wiping out the Resistance and there was nothing I could do... I led them here... it was all my fault... I concentrated and whispered
"be with me... be with me...."
I had tried to talk to the Jedi before when I was training with Leia but now I really needed them more than ever.. so I tried again
"be with me... be with me.."
now I was looking out into a black void of stars and that's when I heard them...
"these are your final steps Rey"
"and take them."
"bring back the balance Rey as I did" "find the light Rey find the light"
"your not alone"
"alone you have never been"
"Every Jedi who's ever lived lives in you" "the force surrounds you"
"feel the force flowing through you"
"let it guid you"
"as it guided us"
"let it lift you"
I smashed my hand down on the rock.
"We stand behind you Rey"
"rise in the force"
I used all my strength to throw myself up on my knee I was weak but I could give up..
"in a heart of a Jedi rise for strength"
I pushed again throwing myself up onto my toe.
"Rey the force will be with you always".
I stood up all the way grabbed leias saber and stood there ready to face destiny ready to fulfill my destiny... Palpatine stood up before me and said
"Let your death be the final ending in the story of the Rebellion ."
Then he blasted me with lightning I used the saber to block it but I was growing weak I knew I couldn't hold it forever but I persisted.
"You are nothing.. a scavenger girl is no match for the power in me"
"I am all the sith!" Palpatine scoffed.
I stood there remembering what the Jedi told me
"and I...."
I threw my hand back grabbing Luke's saber. "I'm all the Jedi"
Then I ignited Luke's saber using both against Palpatine. His body became to deteriorate I pushed even harder he was ripped apart I watched as the sith statues all the sith had fallen. The cave began to collapse until everyone was gone. I had done it I looked around gave a slight smile and then I felt weak I dropped both sabers and I collapsed to the ground but this time I wouldn't wake up...
Bens POV
I suddenly opened my eyes in shock and sadness I was in pain the worst pain I had ever felt, but this pain wasn't coming from the broken ribs, broken leg and twisted ankle I had this was different. It felt as if half of me had a just died like a peice of my heart had just been ripped out of me.... Rey was dead... I couldn't believe I didn't want I knew o had to get to her... I began to climb my way back up to Rey when I was finally up to the top my greatest fear was there right in front of me... I Reys lifeless body collapsed on the ground. I felt tears start to fill my eyes I needed to get over to her... I needed to know... I started to walk but quickly collapsed to the ground.. tears started to drip down my face... I tried getting up again and hobbled my way over to Rey... Once I got over to her the truth had been revealed Reys eyes were as frozen as Hoth she was gone... Tears started to stream down my face I used all my strength to pick her up and place her in my arms. I held her limp body supporting her with all my strength I looked around
"Please help...."
"Please I need her please"
"Help me Somebody!!"
"I cant lose her...."
Tears started to poor down my face as I hugged Reys lifeless body there was nothing I could do expect hold her close to me and that's what I did...
Reys POV (One with the force)
"Where am I ?" I said rubbing my eyes.
I looked up to see
"master Skywalker" I said smiling but soon that smile faded.
"No no I'm not I can't be!"
"I'm sorry Rey you are now one with the force" Luke said.
"No no I can't leave him I need to get back please"
"please send me back I can't leave him" I said as Tears started to pour down my face. "I'm sorry Rey I can't".
"No you don't understand he needs me I, his light your his Uncle Please!!"
"I'm afraid if he loses me Kylo Ren will come back you don't want that"
"please help me!"
"I can't Rey even if I wanted to only a live family member can give you their life force in order for you to live"
"and Rey you have no living family who can save you".
Tears continued to stream down my face.
"I can't leave him they'll Kill him"
"if he goes back to the Resistance Base he's a goner"
"they'll kill him please they'll kill him I.."
I said falling to the ground sobbing.
"I'm sorry Rey there's nothing I can do but you can still look upon him as a force ghost would you like to see him?"
I got up wiped my tears and nodded soon I was there... I saw Ben saving as he hugged my lifeless body. Tears began to again fall down my face.
"Please is there anything.."
Luke thought for a moment then said
"you and a Ben are the dyad in the force you have the power to heal and create life itself he can save you if he knows how"
"well then we need to help him remind him who he is what he can do..."
Luke smiled as all the other Jedi came over to Bens side as they spoke to him.... and as I spoke to him....
Bens POV
And then I heard it..
"Ben you have more power than you know feel the force"
"the dyad you are apart of great power you have"
"Only you have the power to save her"
"Ben don't make the same mistake I did"
"save her"
"save her"
"were with you Ben.."
"you can do this"
"feel the force"
"Ben the force will be with you..."
"Ben I believe in you your stronger than you know.."
They were right Rey was right I could save her.... I stopped hugging Rey supporting her body once again I placed my hand on her stomach... I know what I need to do I thought as I closed my eyes and breathed.... Just then I felt Reys hand on top of mine....
Reys POV
Everything went black again and placed my hand on top of someone's... I began to gain sight in my eyes and saw him it was Ben... he did it he saved me I knew he could.... I looked up I. Shocked and so did Ben I sat up in Bens arms and stared into his eyes... 
"Ben" I said smiling.
I looked at Bens face he had a slight smile he was actually smiling.. I had never seen Ben smile but I loved it I loved seeing him so happy I loved seeing the real him.. I reached my hand out and placed it on his cheek as he continued to smile we sat there staring into each other's eyes our lips just inches apart.. I pulled back glancing at Bens lips then I looked at Ben and pressed my lips against his.. Ben wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer to him as we continued to press our lips together... I wanted this moment to last forever.. Ben continued to slide his hand my back until he gently placed them on my neck as we pulled out of our kiss my hand still resting on his cheek. I looked at him smiling hoping he felt the same I mean I thought he did I mean he does but does he maybe I shouldn't have kissed him but man I've been wanting to do that from the moment I laid eyes on him... Ben looked at me at smiled this time a wider smile then before he let out a little laugh I knew he was happy thank goodness I was afraid he was going to be mad or I don't know...
"Ben I lo..."
but before I could finish Bens smile began to fade as I felt his life slipping away I held Bens hand so he wouldn't slam into the ground. Tears started to stream down my face.
"Ben please please no I need you Ben".
"Rey.." Ben said weakly.
"Yes Ben" I said as tears poured down my face...
"I saved you both" Ben said as he placed his hand on my stomach giving me a weak smile. "And Rey tell...."
"Yes Ben"
"Tell Poe I'm sorr...." he managed to say.
Then his eyes began to close...
"Ben I can't lose you please"
"BEN!" I screamed as I watched Bens body fade away..
then a voice came to me through the force strong and clear
"I will always be with you"
"no ones ever really gone"
I responded with tears in my eyes.. then the voice went silent I felt as if a piece of my heart of my very soul had been ripped out of me and it was... Ben was my everything and now he was gone... I looked down picked up Bens sweater and held it to my chest as I began to sob...
"I love you Ben and I'm sorry I was never able to tell you"....

Ok sorry this is a VERY SAD chapter but ⚠️ BEN SOLO WILL NOT DIED IN MY STORY REPEAT BEN SOLO WILL LIVE ⚠️ you will just have to be patient I promise there is a happy ending :)

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Ok sorry this is a VERY SAD chapter but ⚠️ BEN SOLO WILL NOT DIED IN MY STORY REPEAT BEN SOLO WILL LIVE ⚠️ you will just have to be patient I promise there is a happy ending :)

Reys big secretTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang