The final battle part 3...

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Reys POV
Ben and I looked at Palpatine as we heard him chuckling.
"Pathetic love makes you weak it drains your power".
Palpatine scoffed at us. I let go of Bens hand looked at him as he nodded.
"Will see"
I said scoffing back at Palpatine as Ben and I rose our sabers towards Palpatine.
"Stand together die together" said Palpatine as he pulled Ben and eyes down to our knees our sabers being thrown behind us.
Palpatine was about to kill Ben and I but when he tried to steal our life force something happened. He held a tiny piece of our force in his hands and they were attracted to each other they were gravitating towards each other.
"A dyad in the force unseen for generations..." Palpatine said as Ben and I looked at each other but we quickly looked back when he said "And something else..."
I felt my stomach begin to churn please don't say a child please don't say....
"a child...a force child unseen for generations.... the last force child I knew of was your grandfather Anakin Skywalker.." Palpatine said turning towards Ben.
"The power you too hold...."
"You won't hurt her or her child child" Ben said yelling at Palpatine.
"I won't let you hurt our child..."I said smiling at Ben.
"You monster..." I said turning back to Palpatine.
"Rey my dear that is no way to talk to your grandfather" Palpatine crooked.
"You will Never be my Family!"
I yelled to Palpatine.
"But he is" Palpatine said annoyed.
"Yes" I confidently replied looking at Ben. Palpatine gave Ben a stern look then looked back at me and said
"I work my entire life trying to end the Jedi destroy the Skywalker family and you fall In love with the last one... pathetic" Palpatine said as I just continued to give him a stern look. "Fine... then you have two options I take your child's life source or he dies..." Palpatine said. "I won't let you hurt him...."
"Oh my dear child I'm not going to kill him..."
I looked at Palpatine confused.
"You are..." he finished as I stood there in shock.
"He knows it too" Palpatine said gesturing towards Ben.
"Ben?" I said looking at him. Ben didn't say anything he just stood there with pain filled in his eyes.
"Fulfill your destiny Rey our Destiny... kill the the last Jedi and bring an end to the Skywalker's.."
"or your child dies.."  I stood there as tears filled my eyes....
Bens POV
I looked at Rey she was filled with pain and her eyes filled with tears... I had seen visions of Rey killing me and honestly If it was me or my child's life I would pick my child's always.... I had brought so much pain to so many people to Rey...  I didn't want to die but my child deserved to live more than I do... I looked as Rey looked down at her stomach andvback at me then a tear fell down her face as she nodded to Palpatine. I knew what she was about to do she wasn't going to kill me she was going to let Palpatine take our child...
"Rey No!!"
I yelled trying to stop her but instead I was stopped by Palpatine throwing me into the wall. I could hear Reys screams I opened my eyes my eyes trying to see but was blocked by a blur. I kept rubbing my eyes trying to get a clear view and then I felt it... it was as if a piece of Rey died and I felt a piece of me die too. I was finally regained my vision Rey was falling to the ground.... I ran as fast as I could and caught her in my arms.
"Rey it's ok I've got you" I whispered to her. "Ben"? Rey said opening her eyes.
She wrapped her arms around me and began to sob.
"I'm sorry I I..just couldn't lose you..."
"I couldn't kill you I never would want to hurt you...again.."
"I'm the monster now I'm so sorry Ben "
"No Shhh it's ok Rey.."
"You probably hate me.." Rey said as she continued to sob
"No Rey I could never hate you."
I said rubbing my hand across Reys back as tears began to fall down my face. We held each other close and I asked
"Rey why would you do that your child your family..." she cut me off sat up and said
"Ben my family wouldn't be complete without you in it.."
Rey placed her hand on my cheek.
"I love you Ben.."
but before I could finish Palpatine held me up in the air...
"This is sickening as once I fell so falls the Last Skywalker!"
Before I could do anything Palpatine threw me smashing me into a rock then everything went black the last thing I heard was Rey screaming "Ben!!!".....
Reys POV
I watched as Ben was thrown and slammed into the rocks.
I screamed. Anyone else would have thought he was dead but I knew he wasn't I could feel it but I could also feel all the pain he felt physically and emotional. I felt all the pain he felt watching Palpatine take our child I felt all the pain I felt in me in him too... My thoughts were interrupted then again by Palpatine oh how I so wanted to chop this freaks head off for killing my UNBorn CHILD and practically KILLING MY BOYFRIEND!!! I wanted to tear Palpatine limb from limb to the point where nothing not even sith cloning could save him... but I couldn't as much as I wanted to I couldn't give into hate that's what Palpatine wanted.... I had to destroy the sith but I had to do it the right way as a Jedi...
"Since you won't stand with me I will take your power for myself!"
right as Palpatine said that I felt half of my body my life force being pulled out of me... my eyes fluttered then shut as I fell to the ground and everything went black...
Here's part 3 sorry it's taking to long I have a lot of school wanted to dedicate this chapter to thereyloqueen  for being so sweet and supportive to me :) also big shoutout to franccie_chan  and torduno  :) hope everyone continues to enjoy this story:) Also hopes you noticed the princess and the frog reference :) love that movie

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