The wedding finale part 1...

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Rey is now 9 months pregnant and the twins should be due any day now. It is also the day before Ben and Reys wedding and they've been planning for a month they only invited a few people :) anyway on with the story

Reys POV
I walked over and sat on the bed next to Ben which was a lot harder now considering I was like the size of the Death Star.
"Whewww!" I said flopping on the bed.
"You good?" Ben asked chuckling.
"Hey you try having two human beans growing inside you"
"Not to mention the dyads twins they are definitely going to be very strong like there parents" I said looking at Ben.
"and there's one of those punches now" I said holding my stomach.
"Strong just like their mom" Ben said kissing my cheek.
"And their dad" I said taking Bens hand resting my head on his shoulder.
"Rey I'm sorry family can't be there tomorrow..." Ben said looking at me.
"Ben it's not your fault"
"Part of it is.." he started saying before I cut him off.
"Ben no stop it's not your fault and tomorrow will be perfect"
"Remember no ones ever really gone tomorrow family will be there your mom,your dad, Luke, everyone just hopefully not my grandfather he can skip it" I said smiling at Ben.
"I love you" Ben said brushing my hair behind my ear.
"I love you too Ben" I said pulling him into a kiss.
"Alright help me up" I said pulling out of our kiss.
"Your not sleeping with me?" Ben said pouting.
"Not tonight it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride" I said.
"Seriously Rey?"
"Yes Ben"
"Haven't we already overcome enough bad luck.?" Ben said.
"Exactly and we don't want more do we" I said looking at Ben as he helped me off the bed.
"Goodnight Ben love you" I said walking to the other room.
"Goodnight Rey love you too" I heard Ben say.
The morning of the wedding.

Bens POV
"I'm getting married today" I said smiling to myself.
"That you are sir" C3-Po said.
"Gosh you scared me" I said sitting up.
"Rargggg!" Chewy said.
"Thanks Uncle Chewy" I said getting up to get ready.
Reys POV
"I can't believe today I will finally have a name to be proud of finally have a family again" I said to myself.
I quickly sat up sensing someone else was in the room.
"Who's there!?" I yelled.
I turned to see Rose.
"Oh my gosh your here hi oh I've missed you" I said hugging Rose.
"You look stunning girl your glowing." Rose said.
"Are the guys here too?" I asked.
"Yes we are" Finn said.
"Ah dude you ruined the surprise" Poe said to Finn.
"Sorry but she asked." Finn said as Poe and Finn came over to hug me.
"Geez we can barley wrap our arms around you your huge Rey!" Poe said as Rose punched him in the arm.
"Which is a good thing definitely a good thing" Poe clarified as I just laughed.
"Hey guys I was wondering I know I don't have my father to walk me down the isle so I was wondering if you guys would.." I said.
"Oh my gosh of course we would be honored" Finn,Poe and Rose said.
"But boys out it's time to get Rey ready for her big day." Rose said smiling at me.
"Fine we're going see you out there Rey" Finn and Poe said walking out of the room.

Reys Outfit

Reys Outfit

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Reys hair

Bens outfit

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Bens outfit

Now back to the story

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Now back to the story...

Bens POV
I stood there with 3-po, R2 and Uncke Chewie it was a perfect day the weather was amazing it was so surreal Rey and I were getting married the same place my grandparents did. I thought of how they stood her and that's when I saw her.
Rey walking down the isle in all her beauty and light she had Finn and Poe on both sides of her and Rose behind holding her veil.
"Wow" C3-Po said.
"Wow" I added.
"Rarggg" Uncle Chewie said as I just laughed.
"Laugh it up fuzzball" I said.
Rey made her way to the alter wow how did I get so lucky.
"Mistress Rey do you promise to love and take care of Ben through sickness and health?" C3-Po said.
"I do" she said smiling at me.
"And do you master Ben promise to love and care for Rey through sickness and in Heath?"
"I do" I said smiling back at Rey.
"You may now say your vows master Ben you will go first"
"Rey words can't describe how grateful I am for you your all I need and everything more.." I said as Reys face looked concerned.
"Uh Ben.." she said.
"Hold on Rey in not finished as I was saying you are incredible and I.." I said before Rey cut me off.
"Ben it's time..." Rey said to me.
"I know Rey it's time for me to admit how I feel about you how I've always felt about you"
"That's sweet Ben but I mean It's Time.." Rey said as I just looked at her confused.
"As I was saying..huh that's weird I didn't know the water could come up over the balcony.." I said looking at the wet floor beneath my feet.
"Ben it's not water.." Rey said as I looked concerned.
"It's me.." she said and that's when it clicked....

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and continue to enjoy this story hard to believe it's almost over hopefully I'll write a sequel not sure yet also sorry for the cliffhanger. ❤️❤️

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