The proposal part 3..

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Alright going to do some background again to make the chapter go faster :)
Ben and Rey called the doctor on the holonet about Reys pains. The doctor said that Rey was fine and she expected she was just going into her second trimester, if it got worse They were to go and see her. Also the doctor figured out how there force child works pretty much what causes development. Basically because the child was conceived with Ben and Reys force connection that's how the baby grows so when Rey was "ghostin" Ben after TLJ that's why it took so long for her to notice signs she only noticed them when her and Ben were connected again. Kinda make sense idk maybe just my theory so you know yea :) anyway on with the story.
Bens POV
"See Rey I knew you were ok" I said putting my arm around Rey.
"Yea you were right." She said smiling.
"I think you should rest"
"I'm fine Ben just a little light headed"
"Rey..." I said giving her a look.
"Fine" she said annoyed.
I then picked Rey up placing her on the bed.
"Do you need anything?" I asked as I went to the door.
"No I'm fine where are you going?" She asked.
"Oh I just have something I need to do" I replied awkwardly trying not to spoil the surprise.
"Ok.."she said giving me a sad look.
"What's wrong Rey."
I said walking over to her as she reached out for my hands.
"Can you stay with me, I mean at least until I fall asleep... then you can do whatever your doing..."
"Please?" Rey said looking up at me with puppy dog eyes.
"Of course" I said smiling as I climbed on the bed, and laid next to Rey.
As I laid down I put my arm around Rey as she rested her head on my chest.
"I love you." She said as she drifted off to sleep.
"I know" I said smiling as I planted a soft kiss on her forehead
"I love you too".
A little while later...
Once Rey fell asleep I pulled the blanket over her tucking her in.
"Goodnight Rey" I said smiling as I closed the door to go find Poe.....
At Poe's chambers...
"Hey" I said cautiously opening the door. When I walked in FN-2187 was there two and both him and Poe frantically turned around.
"Am I interrupting something I can come back lat..." I started saying awkwardly before Poe cut me off.
"No no it's fine he was just leaving what do you need buddy?"
"Well I uhh.." I said awkwardly as I took out Reys ring to show Poe.
"Wait? How did you find the ring!?
We've been looking for that thing for months?!" Poe said shocked.
"Well you see I had it cause my mom gave it to me.... to give to Rey...." I said.
"Oh my god man are you serious" Poe asked as I nodded.
"Ahhh congratulations man well she hasn't said yes yet but I bet she will how can I help?"
Poe said very enthusiastically. I just laughed and told Poe my plan.....
A couple hours later.....
Reys POV
I woke up to find Ben had left, probably to do that thing he was doing whatever that is? As I was about to go out I heard a large nocking coming from my door. I walked over cautiously to see 3Po.
"Mistress Rey thank heavens".
"What 3PO? What's going on?...."
"Where's Ben..." I asked reluctantly afraid of what my answer might be.
"You need to see General Dameron immediately!"
"It's urgent".
"But what about Ben where's Ben!?"
"That is what the emergency is about master solo is in..."
Before 3PO finished I grabbed my saber and ran past him. I headed to find Poe as tears started to fill my eyes. My mind raced what if something happened what if he's hurt I already lost him once I will not lose him again. I finally found myself standing in front of a door shaking with fear I opened it.
"SUPrise.." I heard Ben start to say until he saw me throw open the door and thrash my saber out.
"Ben! Your ok." I said with relief as I went to go hug him.
"Yea of course I'm ok?" He said confused.
"3-Po what did you tell her?"
"Oh I told her that you were in trouble and it was urgent."
C-3Po said as Ben placed his hand over his face.
"No I said to get Rey to meet me her not tell her I'm Dead!"
"Oh my it seems I miscalculated..."
"Yea why exactly did you need to meet me here?" I asked confused.
"Oh uhh yea it would be weird if I didn't have a reason I do it's uhh I uhh..." Ben said awkwardly.
"Real Smooth dude" I heard Poe say.
"Poe you weren't supposed to come out until I..." Ben started saying but then stopped. "Until you what?
"And why is Poe here...and Finn,...Rose,...Conix,...Chewie...Lando...., Max....Jesus did you invite the whole resistance?!"
"Seriously Poe I said CLose Friends ClOSe FRIENDS!" Ben said yelling annoyed at Poe. "THEY ARE CLOSE FRIENDS my close friends.." Poe mumbled.
"Uhh.." Ben said.
"That's your cue man" Poe said patting Bens back.
"Can we have some privacy..."
Ben said looking at everyone as I just stood there still confused.....
Bens POV
"Sure man"
Poe said as everyone literally just stood in the corner still watching Rey and I...
"uh ok uh so Rey?..."
"Yes Ben?..."
Rey asked as I took at deep breath and remembered everything I wanted to say.
"I once told you that you were nothing but your not nothing but not to me.. wait no let me restart you are not nothing and you don't come from nothing well.. Jakku is practically nowhere so I guess you kinda do come from nothing but... this is a disaster isn't it..?" I said.
"No it cute" Rey said placing her hand on my cheek.
"Oh fu*k it" I said kneeling as I pulled out my moms ring.
"Ben what are you..oh my god..." Rey said in shock.
"Rey.." I said smiling at her.
"I Can't believe you stole your moms ring!" She yelled.
"What?" I said confused.
"We have been looking for her ring for months and you had it..."
"Why do you have your moms ring!?"
"I didn't steal it she gave it to me.."
"why would your mom give you her ring?"
"Umm she..."
"You don't wear jewelry!?"
"I know.."
"So why would she?." Rey started saying before I cut her off.
"Me?.." Rey said confused.
"Yes..Rey I love you and I know I've been telling you that a lot lately but I truly mean it and I have for a while I was just to afraid to admit it... too afraid to admit that you were right that I would never be as strong as my grandfather... because even when I was in the dark I had a light.. you... Rey.."
"Me?" Rey asked.
"Yes... and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't break away from the light it was you the pull to the light... I wanted to go with you after I killed Snoke Rey I was just so afraid I thought if I got you to join me I would still have you even if I was on the dark side I would still have my light... but truth is Rey.. I'm glad you never joined me it was only when you were about to accept Palpatines offer that I realized... I never wanted you to turn... I just wanted you with me.. And if you'll have me I still want you with me... I want to spend the rest of my life with you Rey because I need you... you brought the light back in me the love.. all that I thought was lost you brought it back... the real me Ben... you were the only one I let call me Ben because with you I didn't want to be Kylo,... with you I wanted to be me the real me... Rey you bring out the best in me you always have... and for that I'm forever thankful. But it isn't just my gratitude that contributes to my feelings it's that I'm deeply in love with you Rey... you get me heck we literally are two that are one a dyad in the force your my other half and I don't know what I would do without you.. I want to make up next to you every morning I want to help you as we raise our child and yes there will be conflict and fights but I know deep in my heart that your the one for me so Rey....Will you make me the happiest man In the galaxy and become Rey Solo.... or Rey Skywalker or just whatever I mean Solo isn't technically a real name so it..." I said before Rey cut me off.
"Ben..." she said taking my hand. I looked up into her eyes they were shining as tears filled them.
"Solo is perfect.." she said smiling.
"Of course I will merry you" she said as I slid my moms ring on her finger with tears filling my eyes.
"Perfect fit"
She said as I pulled her into my arms as she pressed her lips on mine and mine on hers. "Ok ok break it up."
Poe said before Rey and I started a full make out session.
"I'm engaged man" I said going over too Poe.
I looked over and saw Rey showing Rose her ring. I couldn't believe it in a few months Rey and I would be husband and wife in a few months Rey and I would be parents to a beautiful baby.. In a few months Rey and mines futures we're finally going to start and I couldn't wait to see how they would play out...But right now I was going to enjoy this moment...

Ahhh so the story is almost over Ben just has to win over the Resistance they have to get married and then baby solo or babies? Will be born I hope you enjoyed this chapter and continue to enjoy this story thank you so much for all the support it's amazing. I love you guys ❤️❤️❤️
Also sorry it took so long to update my internet went down for a couple days weird but glad I could update today :)

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