The wedding finale part 2...

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Cover is not mine all credit to original artist also I couldn't find a cute manip with twins so just imagine the photo has two babies in it. Also I'm so excited and sad that this will be the finale I might make a sequel if you guys want that just let me know ok on too the finale of Rey's big secret....
Ps This might be a very long chapter :)
Bens Pov
I looked at Rey nodded and then turned to the guests
(Rose,Hux,Finn,Poe,Conix, C-3Po, BB-8, Chewie, Maz, Leia,Luke,Han,Anakin and Padme are all there in sprinting and physically)
"Hey so uh thank you for all coming out here um but we're going to have to cut it short uh it will presume later but uh you see.." I started saying nervously before Rey cut me off.
"Ben hurry up and get to the point for gods sake I'm about to have a fuc*ing baby!" She yelled.
"Well technically babies your having twins..." I said trying to cheer Rey up.
"Ben!" Rey yelled.
"Yea ok sorry" I said turning back to the guests.
"So as you heard she's about to give birth so we need to now.." I said.
"I know you were about to pop I called it I mean you looked huge!" Poe said to Rey as Rose punched him in the arm.
"Ow would you Stop doing that!?" Poe yelled.
"I will stop when you Stop acting like a d**k" Rose replied.
"Ahgggghh Oh MY God Ben!!!" Rey yelled.
"Ok bye guys we gotta go" I said carefully picking up Rey bridal style running towards the Falcon.
"Do you want us to follow you or?" Poe asked.
"You can if you want we're headed to Tatooine."
"Ahhhh Ben please less chit chatting more flying" Rey said.
"Right sorry" I said carrying Rey on the Falcon laying her down as I hopped in the pilot seat.
"Owwwww oh my godd ahhhh" Rey yelled.
"What are you ok!?" I asked worried.
"Yes Ben I'm great I just have two human beings coming out of my womb but I'm GREAT!"
"Ahhhh I'm sorry Ben" Rey said as she started to cry.
"Hey shhh it's ok I'm here" I said as I flew towards Tatooine.
"Owwww please hurry!!" Rey said.
"I'm doing the best I can there's a lot of traffic" I said.
"Ben were in fu*king space! HOW COULD THERE BE TRAFFIC!!"
"I'm asking myself the same question" I said
"Ben can I see the transmitter for a second?" Rey asked.
"Uh sure.." I said handing it to her.
"Thank you" she said smiling.
"Listen up mother fuc*ers my name is Rey yea I'm THE Rey that saved all your as*es from the wrinkly emperor who also happen to be my grandfather so that's great anyway I'm about to give birth and I need you too move or I swear to god you Will ALL REGRAT IT AND YOU WILL PAY!!!" Rey yelled as I just stood there in shock.
"Thank you have a great day May the force be with you" she finished handing me the transmitter.
Almost immediately after the ships cleared and we landed on Tatooine.
I picked Rey up again as we ran off the Falcon heading to the doctor.
I stormed in carrying Rey.
"Hey how's it going you two?" The doctor asked smiling.
"Look I don't mean to be rude but she's about to give birth so I need you to get her in there as soon as possible" I said.
"Well Umm were very busy.."
"Ahhhhh ohhhh!"  Rey yelled.
"Oh gosh Um come with me" the doctor said as I followed.
"Put her down in room 5 at the end I'll be there in a second"
"Thank you" I said as I walked towards the room.
I threw the door open with the force and laid Rey down on the bed.
"Ahhh!" She yelled in pain.
"Hey your ok" I said brushing her hair behind her ear.
"Ugghghhh" she yelled.
"I can't do it Ben I can't.." She said beginning to sob.
"Shhh yes you can Rey.."
"No no I can't I can't" she said continuing to sob.
"Yes you can Rey ok you can and I'll be here with you every step of the way ok?" I said smiling at Rey.
"Ok" she said looking at me.
"I love you Ben" she said smiling at me.
"I love you too Rey" I said smiling back at her.
"Ahhhh ohhhhh ahhhh ok ok.." Rey said taking a deep breath.
"I'm here.." I said taking her hand....
Reys POV
I laid there smiling as Ben took my hand he made me feel so safe so loved I couldn't wait to become his wife but first this.
"Aghhhhghg" I yelled squeezing Bens hand.
"Sorry sorry" I said.
"No no it's ok I don't mind do whatever will help you." He said smiling at me.
I just mouthed thank you as I continued to squeeze his hand poor guy I was probably cutting off his circulation but he still kept all his attention on me.
"Ok let's have some babies" the doctor said coming in.
"You ready?" She asked.
I looked at Ben and nodded "I'm ready." 
"Ok get ready to push Rey" the doctor said.
"You got this" Ben whispered to me softly.
I began to push god this was worse then when I died oh my god my respect just went way up to all those mothers out there.
"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" I yelled
"Your doing great Rey just one more big push ok?" The doctor said.
I nodded as I squeezed Bens hand "ahhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh" I yelled and then
"Wahhhh" I heard as tears filled my eyes.
"It's a girl" the doctor said smiling as Ben and I looked at each with tears in our eyes. Ben kissed my cheek "you were amazing my love" he said.
"I'm going to take her and get a quick check up then will pop out number two" The doctor said leaving the room.
"Wheww" I said.
"One more" Ben said.
"One more" I said nervously.
"You can do it" he said smiling.
"Ahhhhh ohhh no here comes two" I yelled.
"But the doctors not back!?" I said.
"Ben!!" Rey said panicking.
"Your ok just keep your eyes on me ok" he said.
"My mom delivered tons of babies when I was younger it can't be that hard" he said.
"Your going to do it!?" I said a little bit concerned.
"You got a better idea?!" He said.
"No.." I admitted.
"Just don't freak out and be careful ok?" I said nervously.
"Everything will be ok I promise ok?" Ben said as I nodded.
"Alright Rey I can see the head start pushing ok."
I started pushing ohhh this was just as bad as the first time but seeing that beautiful face was so worth. That's all I thought of the beautiful face of my baby I just had to keep pushing.
"Ok Rey one more"
"Ahhhhhh ohhhhh" I yelled.
"Whahhhh" I heard.
"It's another girl Rey" Ben said smiling at me.
He came over carrying our child in his arms showing her too me.
"Alright let's get.." the doctor said coming in.
"Never mind looks like you got it"
"I'll get him or.."
"Her" Ben said smiling.
"I'll give her a quick checkup and bring them back here." The doctor said taking our baby out of Bens hands and walking out the door.
Ben got up too and started out the door.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"To get this stuff off my hands" Ben said disgusted.
"Hey you said you wouldn't freak out" I said chuckling.
"Sorry but I don't know what the fu*k is on my hands" Ben said going to wash his hands as I just shook my head laughing....
Bens POV
After I washed my hands I ran into the other.
"Hey guys" I said smiling.
"Where Rey is she ok!?" Finn asked concerned.
"Yea she's fine she probably just needs to rest a little bit but she did great" I replied.
"And the twins are healthy?" Rose asked.
"There getting there checkup right now so will see" I said to Rose.
"So is it a boy or girl or both?" Poe asked.
"Two beautiful girls" I replied.
"Man if your mom could see you now she would be so proud" Poe said to me.
"Thank you Poe" I said smiling.
"Ben can you come back with me I got the twins looked at I want to talk to you and Rey" The doctor said.
"Well I guess I have to go now but I'll let the doctor tell you when you come back and meet them I said a little concerned at what the doctor said...
I went back to the room and sat beside Rey as we waited for the doctor.
"Ben what's wrong?" Rey asked concerned.
"Nothing.." I said.
"Ben I know when your lying to me what's wrong..?" She asked again.
"What did she say are the twins ok? I swear if anything is wrong I can't.." Rey said stressing.
"Shh Rey calm down I'm sure everything is ok she just wants to talk to us." I said taking her hand.
The doctor walked in and didn't look happy she looked like something was wrong...
Tears started to fill Reys eyes she sensed it too I just held her close as we waited fir the doctor to speak.
"Um so I checked the twins and...." she paused for a moment looking down.
Rey couldn't hold it in anymore I pulled her into my arms as she began to sob.
"Somethings wrong Ben look at her face I'm scared.." Rey said to me through the force.
"Let's just hear what she has to say ok?" I replied to her through the force.
"Ok" she replied. As she turned so she was facing doctor again still holding tightly to my hand.
I caressed her hand in mine as the doctor began to speak again.
"As you know they were born earlier than expected so.." The doctor said pausing
"I'm happy to say you have two beautiful healthy baby girls their are no concerns congratulations." The doctor said.
As a wave of relief washed over Rey and I.. Rey and I smiled at each other as Rey rested her head on my shoulder.
"Their is on concern I have though..." the doctor said causing Rey and I to perk up.
"Your girls are so gorgeous there going to have everyone in the galaxy after them it's no joke who there parents are" The doctor said chucking.
"And my my Ben I am very impressed great job at stepping up most guys would have passed out or they would have went to find me which I probably wouldn't have made it in time or the best ones are the guys that don't even come in the delivery room so great job" The doctor said smiling at me.
"I'll grab the twins and then will let your friends in to meet them" The doctor said leaving the room.
It was only a brief moment and then we saw them our beautiful baby girls..
The doctor the girls to Rey and her face lit up I had never seen Rey look so happy it was amazing.
Tears filled both our eyes as we marveled at the site of our babies.
"Hi" Rey said smiling as one of the girls reached out for Reys finger.
"Welcome to the world my sweets" Rey said as the other girl started playing with Reys hair and Rey just giggled smiling at me.
"You want to say hi to daddy" Rey said handing me one of the girls.
"Hi" I said smiling.
"She has your eyes" Rey said resting her head on my shoulder.
"And she has yours" I said planting a kiss on Reys head.
Just then there was a knock at the door.
"Here want to go back to mama" I said handing our baby back to Rey as I went to open the door.
"Awww their precious" Rose said smiling.
"I'm an aunt oh my gosh not going to cry" Rose said with tears filling her eyes.
"Wow they are just beautiful" Rose said.
"Just like there mom" I chimed in smiling at Rey.
"What are you going to name them?" Poe asked.
"I like Kyara and Rena" Rey said looking at me.
"I think those are perfect names" I said kissing Rey's cheek.
Quick description Kyara has more of Bens large tall body type with his eyes and Reys completion and a mix of both of their hair.
And Rena is a spitting image of Leia with Bens dark hair completion and Reys hazel eyes and Reys smaller body type :)
"Seriously did you hear what she said?" Finn said.
"Yea Kyara and Rena those are beautiful names what's the problem?" Rose asked.
"Kyara and Rena" Finn said again as everyone just stared confused except for Rey and I who weren't even paying attention. We just sat there cuddling holding our little bundles of joy. Plus we both got the name reference but it didn't matter to us.
"Ok guys come on do I have to spell it out for you Kyara what does that sound like?" Finn asked.
"I don't know" Poe and Rose said confused.
"Kylo!" Finn said.
"And Rena sounds like.."
Finn said waiting for a reply.
"Ren it's Ren!"
"So...." Rose said.
"She literally just named her kids the girl version of Kylo Ren!"
"Yea so what.." Rey said.
"Our kids not yours." She said looking a me.
"Seriously your naming them after him why not something to do with your name?" Finn asked.
"Saving that name for the next one" Rey said winking at me as I just chucked.
"Ooh I think I'm going to be sick" Finn muttered.
"I mean he also did deliver I think the names are perfect" Rey said proudly.
"W wh wait you Delivered a baby!?" Poe asked me.
"Yea I mean there was no other option." I said.
"See observe this take notes boys that's a real man right there stepping up to the plate when the time come bravo Ben bravo!" Rose said as she chuckled.
"Thanks Rose" I said.
"Oh how delightful now the Galaxy is skrewed with offspring from you two" Hux said walking into the room.
"Oh Armi be nice" Rose said.
"Oh finally I found you two.. oh how splendid two new additions to the family" C3-Po said.
"Now if we're ready I will proceed with the ceremony Rey you may say your vows." C3-Po added.
"Um wow uh I don't really know what to say other than you are the most amazing person I've ever met and although you weren't always the nicest.."
"Yea like when you sliced my back" Finn said.
"Yea that but it didn't matter because I always looked for the man behind the mask the kind, caring, that I feel in love with you were always there for me Ben and even now your still always here for me and I want to be there for you too every second of every day I want to spend the rest of my life with you Ben and before that scared me I was afraid of you leaving or of something like that but.. the thing Is I'm not afraid anymore I know you've made some mistakes I mean I'm far from perfect.."
"Your perfect to me" I said through the force.
"But mistakes make us human and if you had never made those mistakes I would have never met you so fate has a way of working things out I believe that..." Rey said smiling at me.
"A dyad in the force two that are one you've been with me since the moment I was born your always going to be apart of me and now I'm taking to much so I'm going to wrap this up.." She said chucking.
"I love you Ben"
"I love you too Rey"
"Oh my that was beautiful your going to make me short circuit" C3-Po said.
"Now does anyone wish to give a reason why this man and this woman shouldn't be wed speak now or forever hold your peace" C3-Po asked.
"I have something to say!" Finn said as Reys face fell..
"I...I... accept" Finn said smiling at Rey.
"Thank you" she whispered to Finn.
"Your welcome" he whispered back
"So then by the power invested in me C3-Po human cyborg relations I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the.."
Before he could finish Rey pulled me into a kiss.
"Groom?" C3-Po said confused.
Everyone cheered and the twins started gigging which filled my heart with so much joy.
"Rey Solo feels good to finally have a name I'm proud of" Rey said smiling at me.
"I want a last name" Finn said pouting.
"You can have mine" Poe said as they just looked at each other awkwardly.
"Too soon?" Poe asked awkwardly.
"Yea" Finn replied as we all chuckled.
"Rey I can discharge you whenever your ready have you picked out names yet?" The doctor said coming in the room.
"Yes we have Kyara and Rena Solo" Rey said smiling at the twins.
"Perfect names" the doctor said smiling as she left the room.
Back at home on Naboo Rey and Ben had just come home from the hospital and everyone else went back to base.
Reys POV
"Goodnight my loves sleep tight" I said putting the twins to bed.
Ben came over and wrapped his arm around my waist as he kissed my forehead.
"You missed I teased." As I pressed my lips against his. It was a long kiss filled with passion.
"I was saving that didn't want to do it in front of everyone" I said smirking at Ben.
"I'm glad you saved it" Ben replied as I yawned.
"Why don't we get some shut eye we've had a long day" Ben said.
"But it's the night of our wedding we're supposed to.."I started saying before Ben cut me off placing his finger on my lips.
"We have plenty of time for that right now you need to rest" he said picking me up in his arms bridal style carrying me to our bed.
"Goodnight Mrs.Solo" Ben said as I cuddled up next to him running my fingers through his hair.
"Goodnight Mr.Solo" I said giggling as we drifted off to sleep holding each other in our arms.
"Wahhhhh!" We heard.
"I'll get it you rest" Ben said getting up off the bed.
"Thank you Ben I don't know what I did to deserve you."
"You didn't have to do anything you deserve me more than I do you.." Ben said smiling at me.
"Love you Ben"
"Love you too now get some sleep" Ben said smiling as he went to comfort the twins.....
Finally we had our happy ending.....

Wow omg sorry that chapter was so long I just can't believe this is the last chapter wow I'm sad but also it's exiting idk ❤️🦋tysm to everyone who read and voted I love you this was my second fanfic and you gave it so much love and support thank you. please check out my other Reylo stories if you like this one ❤️❤️

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