The gingerrose project.....

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Rey is now 7 months pregnant they have been engaged for 5
Reys POV
We had gotten back to base after my dark streak, I apologized to everyone and even got them to accept Ben well mostly accept. I had started to begin wedding planning with Ben it was going well. We were getting more exited as the big day came nearer, both our wedding and the birth of our children. It was still hard to believe we would be parents in a few months it feels like just yesterday I saw Bens face for the first time.
"Hey Ben did you see the way Rose and Hux looked at each other?" I asked.
Ben just lay there 'sleeping' not paying attention to my question.
"No now go back to sleep" Ben said yawning.
He rolled back over and started going back to sleep.
"Ben I'm serious it was like the way we first looked at each other"
"What like they wanted to kill each other?" Ben asked sarcastically.
"Sorry kidding so what you think they like each other?"
"More like love Ben" I said as Ben started cracking up.
"Seriously Hux?!"
"And Rose!?" He said still laughing.
"Ben I'm serious there perfect for each other I'm calling them gingerrose"
Ben chuckled and I gave him a look.
"That's great gingerrose perfect so how can I help?"
"I want you to help me set up a date for them tomorrow" I said.
"Ok sounds good" Ben said yawning.
"Oh thank you thank you thank you Your the best Ben" I said kissing his cheek.
"Uh huh" he said falling asleep.
"Love you Ben."
"Love you too Rey" Ben said before he fell asleep.
I watched as Ben drifted off to sleep he was so cute when he was sleeping. I knew exactly how I was going to help Rose and Hux I had it all planned out.
Bens POV
I woke up to find Rey gone she couldn't be serious about this date thing? Could she? I decided to get up and go find her. When I found her she was In the control room....
Ben do you still have your helmet I want to get the wow effect" Rey asked me.
"Uh why do you.."
"Woah what in the world are you doing" I asked looking at the the integration chair.
"I'm setting Rose and Hux up on a date like we said we would."
She really was serious..
"Yea But Rey isn't this sorta our thing?"
"Of course it is Ben but it's the recipe for love I mean that's how we fell in love right?"
"I mean yes but don't you think it's a little extreme I mean to recreate our entire interrogation "date" I implied.
"Are you saying that you didnt fall in love with me in this moment?
"No no Rey I did it's just"
"You think I'm crazy?!"
"No and don't read my mind"
"oh shit" I said realizing what I just admitted.
"You Do think I'm crazy!" Rey yelled.
"Not crazy just a little over dramatic it's just maybe we should find a better safer way to get them together like a real date? " I said.
"So our dates weren't real?" She said sadly.
"No no they were I just mean maybe they should do something like special" I suggested.
"Our dates weren't special!?" Rey asked almost in tears.
"Well our dates wernet really dates I mean I never asked you out or vise versa" I explained.
"So your saying I'm not special enough for a real date!?" Rey said with tears in her eyes.
"No of course you are I'm just saying our relationship was complicated we never really had a real date?
"So we were never actually together?" Rey asked confused.
"Yes I mean no I mean we's complicated
"I get it I geuss..." Rey said sighing.
"Hey I have an idea for Rose and Hux a double date"
"A double what?" Rey asked confused.
"A double date it means Hux and Rose are on a date with us who are also on a date"
"So what I'm hearing is your finally asking me out?"
"Uhh yes.."I said awkwardly.
"Yess finally ok that sounds perfect your the best Ben" Rey said kissing my cheek.
"I know" I said smiling as Rey and I walked away.

The night of the date Ben got Hux to come to the cantina and Rey got Rose to come neither of them know it's a date.
Reys POV
"Uhh Rey are we interrupting something?" Rose asked.
"Yea why are we here?" Hux asked.
"Should we tell them Ben?" I asked giggling.
Ben nodded and I turned to tell Hux and Rose.
"We're having a double date surprise!" I said enthusiastically.
"Oh that's so sweet who's the other couple?" Rose asked.
"You two" I replied.
"What!?" Rose and Hux both said at the same time.
"Yes isn't this great" I said smiling.
"Yeah great" Rose said sarcastically.
After we ordered our food.
"Don't eat so fast Armi your going to get an upset stomach." Rose said.
"Excuse me who the fu*k is Armi?" Ben said laughing.
"Oh uh Armitagde you know his first name.." Rose said awkwardly.
Ben started laughing at this until I hit his shoulder.
"Well uh this is nice right" I said smiling
"Yea.." everyone said sarcastically.
After dinner.
We made our way out of the cantina to watch the sunset. Ben and I stood back we thought we would let Hux and Rose have some space.
"Ben do you think they hate me?" I asked.
"What of course not Rey why would they hate you?" Ben said resting his hand on my cheek.
"I mean this was stupid it's never going to work.." I said sighing.
"I wouldn't be too sure Rey look." Ben said pointing towards the sunset.
I looked and saw Rose take Hux's hand and as the sunset I watched them exchange a kiss.
"Yesss!" I yelled.
"Oh sorry continue" I said.
They just look at me and rolled their eyes as they began to kiss again.
"What do you say Rey should we join them?" Ben asked.
"Thought you'd never ask." I said as Ben pulled me into a kiss.
Yay I finally updated lol I hope you like this chapter and continue to enjoy this story happy new year🥳

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