Join me....

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Again not my drawing :) I hope you enjoy:)  btw this is what happened after Ben and Rey fight wile reys in Ben chambers and Ben or kylo I geuss is going to tell Rey she's a Palpatine.

Bens POV
Ok Ben you can do this she rejected you the first time but maybe now she will take your hand. She still fought me though, and now I have to tell her she's a Palpatine so she'll join me right? I mean it's her destiny.. Its our destiny...  No not Ben you are Kylo Ren supreme leader of the First order Ben solo is dead. Get it together Ben I mean ugggg. Just then my thoughts are interrupted by Rey.
"Why would he want to kill me why would he want to kill a child" Rey asked.
Ok Kylo now tell her but don't freak her out.
"Because he saw what you would become.."
"Rey you don't just have power you have his power"
"You are a Palpatine."
Good going now she looks terrified alright this is kinda a fail but here goes nothing, play it cool.
"We're a dyad in the force Rey two that are one..."
wow just saying that made me feel so happy knowing it was true we were the dyad. And telling Rey that made me feel even happier.
"My mother daughter to lord Vader, your father son of the emperor"
"What Palpatine doesn't know is were a dyad in the force Rey, two that are one."
"We'll kill him together and take the throne" I pause
"We would rule the galaxy no one would stand in our way no one would hurt us"
I stop talking and gently place my hand on Reys stomach looking into her eyes as they began to water.
"Our child will be safe Rey no harm will come to us we won't have to live in fear our child won't have to worry or fear of others hurting them..."
"Rey please I don't want any harm to come to either of you.."
My hand was still gently placed on Reys stomach as I stroked my hand gently across her abdomen.
"Rey you know what you need to do" I say as a tear starts to fall down my face."
"You know"...
Rey takes her hand and placed it over mine gently removing my hand from her stomach, then she smiled at me. The Falcon came flying and a tear dropped down her face as she let go of my hand
"I'm so sorry Ben." Then Rey jumped on the Falcon and flew away.
Reys POV
I can't believe that just happened Ben I mean Kylo asked me to join him again, and I said no again... He wanted to raise our child together which Is what I want but not by being on the dark side ruling the galaxy with Kylo Ren. I wanted to be with Ben raise our child maybe live on Naboo where Leia said her mother used to live. I want it to just be me Ben and our child all together not living in fear not living in darkness living with love light and happiness. So I couldn't take Kylos hand and I never would.. Ben was the man I loved not Kylo... I could never love a monster.. Just then my thoughts were interrupted by Finn
"Rey are you ok?"
"Rey I know you, tell me what's" Finn started saying before I cut him off.
"People keep telling me they know me.. but no one does".
Just then I hear Bens voice through the force.
"but I do"
"Your the women I love Rey your my other half"
"You are brave and stronger than anyone I know you are so amazing"
"And you bare my unborn child, Rey I know you didn't want to join me but I want you to know I love you and that's not lie"
"I would never lie to you..."
Then Ben's voice fades away
"I love you too Ben"
I don't know if he heard me I hope he did I almost forgot I was talking to Finn.
"Rey are you listening to me?"
"Sorry Finn I need some time alone".
Bens POV
Everything I said to Rey was true I hope she felt the same as I thought about this I heard Reys voice come through the force.
"I love you too Ben". She loved me she loved Ben.. Oh what have I done what am I doing? I need help. I need to find someone to help me with Rey I need my mom....
So in the next chapter Ben will be reuniting with his mom because I really needed them to reunite in the movie I hope your enjoying the story so far:)
Sorry it's kinda short

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