|Chapter sixty three : Diagon Alley|

Start from the beginning

"What've I told you? You're not to go down Knockturn Alley! Amelia I hope they weren't trying to make you go down there"

"No Mrs Weasley, I'm going down there willingly but they were being kind and offering to walk me to where I was going to make sure I got there okay" I told her with a smile as they turned their heads to me with smirks

"It's true-"

"We were being kind-"

"Very kind-"

"We're just looking out for Lia-"

"Because if we didn't, Diggory would have our heads" they said simultaneously as I laughed slightly and they were shooed off as she looked at me with a smile

"They were trying to have a snoop around. But no matter how many times I tell them...." she said with a sigh as I grinned at her

"Why are you going down Knockturn Alley, Amelia? It's not safe to be going down there alone"

"I need to pick up something that's been sent to Borgin and Burke's and I'm also meeting a friend"

"You still shouldn't be going down there alone"

"I'll be fine, I know what I'm doing"

"I'll walk you down if you like?"

"No it's fine, honestly. Thank you though, I'm sorry but I have to run, I don't want Pansy standing there by herself for much longer. I'll see you soon Mrs Weasley!" I called to her with a smile as I disappeared down, going down twists and turns until I came to Borgin And Burke's, Pansy just arriving from the opposite end as we ran at each other and I wrapped her in a hug

"Merlins beard I missed you"

"It's been too long-"

"I offered you to come around to the villa loads of times!"

"I know but I wasn't allowed" she told me as the two of us started laughing and we stepped back before I nodded to the shop

"You're going in there?"

"Yes, you coming in?"

"Obviously" she scoffed as I pushed the door open, it stuck slightly as I stared at it confused before pushing it open forcefully

"Watch what you're doing!"

"Well maybe if you didn't stand in front of the door like a twat I wouldn't have to" I grumbled before walking in as Pansy followed with a laugh as my smile dropped and I stared in distaste



"Who bruised your eye, Black? I want to send them a gift" he sneered as he took a step towards me and I done the same, not backing off in the slightest as I scowled at him

"Going to willingly talk to a muggle are you? Good luck finding them, they're probably stuck at home whining in pain like a little baby"

"The fact you were beaten by a muggle is sickening and pathetic. Disgraceful actually-"

"Well your bold assumption of me getting beaten is wrong. I won the fight" I told him, about to open my mouth again as I was pulled away and towards the front where the counter was as she rung the bell before murmuring to me quietly

"Let's maybe not start an argument in here"

"But I'm so tempted to hit him with something"

"Hit him with a bludger when we get back to school" she muttered as a smile grew on my face and the door to our right opened and we both leaned forward to see who was coming out, Borgin, and much to my own repulsion was followed by the older and more disgusting version of Malfoy as he stopped and looked between the two of us with a grin forming.

"Well, Amelia Black and Pansy Parkinson"

"Hello Mr Malfoy" Pansy greeted, a slight quiet edge to her voice as I turned away, putting my name on a piece of parchment on the counter as I started writing more on it before passing it to Borgin as he disappeared through the door again.

"I must say, I don't think your mother is very pleased about your house placement" he said quietly as I turned to him, watching as he glanced to the Slytherin crest on my robes

"Very pitiful on her behalf. Although at least you do seem to be sticking to the true Black family trait. Right house.... your blood status doesn't make up for it all unfortunately. But, hopefully, you won't stray from the path you're on and you'll do your ancestors proud, and the right way to start is by avoiding the type of people your so called sister spends her time with" clenching my fist tightly I watched Borgin walk back out with two boxes in his hands as he passed me them and I nodded

"Thank you Borgin" I said to him as he nodded and we turned, walking to the door as I brushed past Draco, opening the door when I was stopped, looking to his hand that was holding the door as I stared at Lucius' face as he tried to smile

"A last word Amelia, do try to watch what you're doing" he said before motioning us out as Pansy dragged me out and we walked away

"Was that a threat? Was he threatening me?"

"I don't know but let's get away because he gives me the bloody creeps"

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