16 Lightning Tree

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Ryne POV:

I am crouched down on the edge of the trees listening to Beetee explain his great plan. The careers are outnumbered and unprepared for another attack on us. We currently called the beach as our spot so when we leave for the tree, they will hopefully claim it back. According to Beetee the lightning tree will be able to send a current to the sand and shock anyone on the beach or damp areas making them fry. His word not mine.

"What do we need to do?" I ask, stabbing my trident into the ground as Finnick drapes an arm over my shoulders.

"Keep me alive for the next 6 hours. That would be helpful." He says looking at me and I give him a smirk.

We made our way to the lightning tree and with every step I felt more and more on edge. This could be it. If B's plan works then the only people left will be us. I am pretty sure the two from 12 will be the first ones to turn as well.

"Excellent conductor...." Beetee mumbles as he inspects the tree. He goes on and on about the power that surged through the tree and he seems rather mesmerized by the technology behind it. The capitol is definitely advanced.

"English please." I say speaking for everyone.

"This tree will be able to kill the last of the careers if we get the wire to the water." He says and I smile.

"Why didn't you start with that?" I ask with a small laugh and Jo nudges my shoulder with a smirk in agreement.

I walk around the wide tree once and inspect the unburned feature. It really is cool how this thing gets lit up like a christmas tree yet remains untouched and unharmed. It's like the capitol is taunting us in a way. The only way to be safe is to be part of the capitol. There is rustling from behind me and I lift my trident to the figure that comes into my view from around the tree.

"Woah! I surrender." Finnick says putting his hands up in defense. I instantly drop my arm at the sound of his voice and take a deep breath.

"Sorry I'm just on edge." I say and I look to the ground.

"Hey, we are going to be fine." He encourages pulling me into him in an embrace.

We stand in silence only listening to the distant voice of Beete explaining how to wrap the wire around the tree. I pull away from Finn and look up into his eyes. I can tell he is nervous about this whole thing as well just by the look in his eyes. I have always been able to read him really well and he can always read me. It's just how we work.

"You are nervous." I state and he nods slowly.

"Me too." I add and he breaks into a weak smile.

"We are going to be fine. It's gonna be okay." He tries to reassure me but I have a feeling he is trying to convince himself that over anyone else.

"Hey!" Beetee calls and we all make our way over to him at the front of the tree. The tree itself is covered in copper wire. Every small tube of tree that hits the ground has at least a few inches of tightly wound wire that connects to the next trunk tube. If we were not in the games it would look like some modern art piece you could find in the Capitol common areas. The wire shines when the man made sun reflects down onto us. Beetee stands from his crouched position and I turn my attention back to him who is now surrounded by 5 victors.

"Okay, Katniss, Johanna, you take the wire to the beach and make sure to get far away from it once you lay it in the water. Ryne, Peeta, and Finnick I need you as guards until it's time."

"I need to go with them for protection." Peeta suggests while pointing his machete towards Jo and Katniss.

"No, Johanna can protect them better than you can. We need you here for Beetee." Finnick states matter of factly and I nod in agreement. We can't let him go with Katniss and ruin our plan.

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