9 Training

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"Rise and- oh! Oh my. Um training is today!" Coral announces into Finn's room clearly surprised to see me in here as well.

"Shut up Coral. We will be up in a minute." I aggressively mumble into Finn's chest as he lets out a dry morning chuckle.

"You don't appreciate me!" Coral complains as she leaves the room with a surprised face.

"Finn, we have to get up." I say in a morning voice as I tap on his bare chest. He flinches as I slap his side to wake him completely and I chuckle.

"Training....yay!" Finn says sarcastically in a high pitched voice like Corals to make me laugh.

In the elevator on the way down I play with my hands. Today it's real. Today its game on. I feel like it's finally hitting me that I am actually going to the arena with one of my favorite people in the whole world. I may be losing the love of my life in a few days. I'm going into the arena again, the thing that caused all of my sadness and pain and nightmares. It's really happening.

"What wrong?" Finnick asks me, clearly being able to sense my unease.

"Besides the obvious, I just realized we are actually going into the arena in a few days. You are going into the arena Finn. What if you die?" I say and he sadly sighs.

"It will be okay Ry. I will be right there with you. The whole time." He promises and I smile at him then glance back to the floor and watch my feet.

"Time to put our game faces on." I say as the elevator dings and he nods stiffly.

Inside the training center not many people have arrived. District one and two are both showing off full force in an attempt to intimidate and it makes me almost laugh. I feel like I'm back in my first games and I had no faith in coming out alive.

"Looks like the usual. Careers being careers." I say and Finn nods. "Lets go do something survival, no need to show off when most of the tributes are probably still asleep."

"Yes ma'am." He says as we walk to the traps and knot making station.

We sit on the stools for what seems to be an hour in silence as we watch other tributes slowly file into the room. Eventually everyone has arrived and I must say, I'm not all that impressed.

"I'm going to go talk to Jo." I mutter under my breath to Finnick and he nods while still focusing on the rope he has in his hands working on a knot.

"I see you are staying away from the weapons so far huh Ry." Jo asks me when I am close enough to hear her.

"Maybe. It's not like these people don't know what I can do anyway, no need to show off. Yet." I reply with a smirk and she returns it before gripping her ax harder and swinging it at an invisible target.

"I think you killed your imaginary friend." I finally add as she breathes harder putting her ax into the floor.

"Oh please, he was not a friend." She jokes and it makes me laugh causing a few tributes to turn our way.

"Well I'm going to go learn how to make fire. It's very important." I say sarcastically walking away from her to another survival station.

"And an easy way to get killed." She loudly exclaims and I nod then flip her off as I walk even further away. I can hear her chuckle as I finally arrive at the station that both Wiress and Beetee currently sit at.

"Hello Miss Ryne." Beetee announces as he sees me standing over them with a curious eye.

"Beetee. Wiress. How have you been?" I ask while nodding at each of them. I must say, I really like these two, if only we weren't getting thrown into an arena together.

Oblivious Love (Finnick Odair x OC)Where stories live. Discover now