6 You're My Home, You Know That?

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Back in 4 Finn and I continued on with daily life. Daily nightmares, daily panic attacks, daily hugs, and daily snuggles. Things pretty much went back to normal. However, I never could get the image of the 12 year old, Ethan, from my mind as he lay dead, blood pooling by his head in that cornucopia. It haunts me.

It was late at night and Finn was already asleep beside me. I listened to his light snores and smiled, he always looked so peaceful when he was sleeping no matter what images were playing on the insides of his closed eyelids. His steady breath coaxed me to sleep and I had one of my scariest dreams yet.

It's the final two, but instead of Shadow, it's Finnick. He looks mangled and broken. He watches me with pleading eyes and I realize he is weaponless.

"Please love. Don't do it. Please." He pleads with me and I watch as I contemplate his words. Just then it's like a switch goes off in my head and I send my bloody trident into his chest. He falls to the ground and I want to yell at myself to stop but I can't.

"I thought you loved me, you did nothing but hurt me. Why Ryne." Finnick says with tears in his eyes. I stand over him and pull the trident from his chest and he yells in pain. I jam the other end into his chest and his eyes roll into the back of his head. Then the cannon sounds. BOOM!

I woke up screaming. For the first time since when seems to be my family's death, I sob. I feel arms grab me in a panicked manner and I scream at the sudden contact. I turn to face Finnick and I gasp at the sight of his healthy and safe face. I put his face in my hands and stare at him in awe through my watery eyes.

"Oh my god! You're okay! You're okay! I'm so sorry!" I yell and jump on top of him and yank him into a desperate hug. This is the first time I have ever cried in front of him. I feel so weak and helpless at this moment. I shove my head into the crook of his neck as I sit on him and I cry.

"Ryne, I'm okay. Im okay. What happened. It's okay. Just breathe Ryne." Finnick frantically whispers into my ear as I sob into his neck. His arms wrapping around me giving a sense of security. I don't want to hurt him.

Finnick POV:

I jolt awake to an ear piercing scream beside me. I sleepily look around the room to rule out a murderer and that's when I see Ryne clutching her face and crying. My eyes go wide at the scene in front of me. In all 7 years of practically living with this girl and I have never seen her cry, not even in the games. I have no idea what to do. I sit up and in a panicked manner I wrap my arms around her waist to stop her shaking. She is shocked and flinches at the contact releasing another sudden scream. She looks in my direction with wide eyes and grabs my face in her hands. Then she instantly jumps on me placing her arms around my torso.

"Oh my god! You're okay! You're okay! I'm so sorry!" She yells as she grabs me in a desperate embrace. I wrap my arms around her and digest her words. What does she mean? Of course I'm okay. I pull her close as if I let go she may drift away and never come back. I feel the need to hold her until the end of time. I never want to let go, I want to protect her and make all the pain go away. I have never seen her like this and it scares me. She breathes rapidly into my neck and I lift my head slightly to give her more room. She grips onto me tightly like it's the last time we will ever see each other.

"Ryne, I'm okay. Im okay. What happened. It's okay. Just breathe Ryne." I frantically whisper into her hair. She slightly relaxed but still continues to cry. After what seems to be hours she lifts her head and looks me in the eyes. Her face was red and splotchy and her eyes were watery and bloodshot. She had dried tear trails on her cheeks and it took everything in my entire being to keep from crying at the scene in front of me. My love looked broken in my arms and I couldn't do anything about it. I felt helpless and useless, all I wanted was for Ryne to be okay. I had to be strong for her but I hated seeing her like this, it just about breaks me.

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