10 Training Day Two

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Finnick POV:

Waking up with Ryne in my arms is one of the best feelings. She rests with her head by my neck and her right arm is draped over my chest. Her breathing is even and peaceful. I remember the night before when Jo and I helped her clean her hands of blood and tend to the few cuts on her palms. I wish I could see into her mind, see what her thoughts are and what she is planning. Ryne stirs next to me and I feel her body begin to stretch as she comes out of her sleep.

"Hi." She mumbles into my neck. A blush spread across my cheeks at the feeling of her warm breath on my skin. I quickly try to regain a normal color in my face and turn on my side so that I am facing her.

"Hi love." I whisper and with her eyes still closed she smiles a genuine smile. One that I love so much and wish I could stare at all day. But we both know we can't stay in bed all day.

"Thank you for last night. I shouldn't have reacted like that. I made a mess." She mumbles pulling away from me and her warmth leaving my body.

"Anytime love. You have kept yourself so bottled up with this whole thing, it's okay to have an outburst." I whisper as I look into her blue eyes. We lay there and stare at each other for a few silent minutes. It takes just about everything in my entire being to keep from placing my hand behind her neck and pulling her to me for a kiss. At this thought my eyes leave hers. I look to the comforter that is placed over her shoulders. The purple fabric is soft like the ones we have at home yet there is something more expensive about it I can't place. Always the best for the people in the capital. A hand reaches for my face and I flinch from surprise. Ryne lets out a small giggle and I grin putting my face in her reached out hand. Her soft palm touches the side of my face and I close my eyes into her touch. Whenever she touches me I feel like I am melting into her. I wish I could freeze time and stay in the moment forever yet I know in a few short minutes we will be forced into our training uniforms and shoved into the glass elevator to take us to a room filled with enemies.

"Finn I......um I-" Ryne starts then cuts herself off. I open my eyes and see she is looking everywhere but my face. She wants to say something but is too afraid or nervous to spit it out.

"Ya love?" I ask encouragingly. She just shakes her head and pulls her hand from my face. I watch as she pulls the blanket up over her face to where only the top of her head was visible to me.

"Ryne. What is it?" I ask, turning concerned by her sudden shut down. "You can tell me anything, love." I add on hoping she will feel comfortable enough to tell me what's on her mind. Under the blanket she moves around slightly as if thinking about what to say next. Her head shakes again and I sigh.

"It's nothing important. Nevermind." She sounds almost defeated when she finally speaks.

"Hmm." Is all I can manage to respond without pushing further for her to tell me. I shrug it off and try to ignore the gut feeling that it was something important and I pull the blanket down from her face.

"What are you doing?" She asks me as I look down at her face.

"Looking at you." I admire her features, her bright blue eyes, her raised cheekbones, her long eyelashes, her freckles that kissed the skin under her eyes and across her nose. She is perfect. She is absolutely perfect. As I watch her face I see her cheeks start to tint pink and it brings a grin to my face.

"Is that blush I see?" I playfully question and she rolls her eyes at me. She pushed me back and moved so that she was sitting on top of me with her legs on either side of my body. Her hands are wrapped around my wrists and pushing them back into the bed. Rynes hair that was placed in a delicate bun had now started to fall to the sides of her face creating a cascading curtain around her face. She smirks down at me as she sits straddled on my waist. I could feel my heart beat race and I knew, much to my dismay, that I was blushing,

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