4 Nightmares

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I am sitting on the couch that only the top 3 percent could ever dream of being able to afford and staring at a picture of the ocean on the wall when I hear a loud knock echo through my new house. I cautiously stand from the couch and make my way to the door. Part of me fears it's someone to kill me and hunt me like the games but I have to remind myself that I made it out. That's not real life and it's no longer my reality. At least for now. Opening the door, I see Finnick leaning on the door frame and giving me a smirk that he manages to maintain 99% of the time he is in public. I keep my face blank and look into his eyes waiting for him to say something. When he stands still and silent I divert my eyes to the floor as I wait for him to make the first move, afterall he is the one who came knocking on my door. Not the other way around.

"Hey, I just wanted to welcome the new Victor home" He says and I nod.

"Okay, well I just wanted to say hi and let you know that even though we didn't really talk at all for the games, I'm here if you need anything. I know how hard it can be." He says almost dropping his capital facade while his voice is laced with sincerity. I give a small smile at the seemingly genuine offer.

"Um....well how does the family like the new house?" He asks with a smile and it makes my face go pale. I feel as if I might pass out and I swallow hard in order to keep myself in reality. I wanted to yell at him 'they are dead!' but I couldn't manage to get a single word to leave my body. My breathing becomes faster and his face changs to one of slight concern as I slam the door shut in his face. I run upstairs and throw myself onto the bed. No tears come this time but I feel as if I'm being suffocated. Like I'm drowning. Like I'm going to die and I'm hoping it comes. I hope it takes over and takes me to the afterlife. At least then I can see my family and get out of this nightmare I now call my life.

I stare at the walls of my room gripping a pillow into my chest like my life depends on it until sleep takes over me. My first sleep in district 4 since the games. My first sleep in the new house. My first sleep since I have no family. My first sleep as the new completely broken me. It takes me over and that's when my first nightmare starts. Its a replaying of my games, my kills. Braydens death. The death of my innocence.

I'm standing on the pedestal watching as the countdown floats above the cornucopia in a hologram. The final gong goes off and I go against what my mentors told me and I run straight to the center of the cornucopia. My double sided trident. It's there. It's mine. No one else can have it. I need it or I'm dead. I need to win.

I reach the cornucopia and grab the first thing I see which is two small throwing knives and I turn around and see the boy from 9 headed at me. I throw one knife and it lands between his eyes. His cannon sounds. I'm officially a killer. My next knife gets lodged between the eyes of the girl from 5. Cannon. Two more people had the same fate by my hand shortly after that.

I turn and grab the trident that was tilted on a stack of boxes presumably filled with goodies like food or even medication. That's when the girl from 3 tackles me to the ground and the air in my lungs leaves my body. If my family was watching right now, I could not die in the bloodbath. The weak die in the bloodbath and I am not weak. The girl wraps her hands around my neck and squeezes as hard as she can. My vision becomes dotted and I grip my double ended trident as hard as I can and push one end into her side. She instantly releases me and I struggle to my feet feeling slightly light headed by the lack of oxygen. I see her struggling on the ground and I step on her chest and send one of the ends of my trident to her neck. The cannon sounds. For some reason I pull the trident out and then stab the other end of my trident into her stomach. For good measure I guess. It seems to have gone rather quiet and I turn to the inside of the cornucopia to see my district partner, Brayden, being held down by the girls from 1 and 2. Ruby and Sparkle.

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