14 Johanna

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Ryne POV:

I feel as if I am floating and being submerged in water when I come to consciousness screaming in pain. I feel a pair of hands rubbing into my skin and I slowly start to feel the pain leave my body. I keep my eyes clenched shut as the person helps melt away the pain. When my head is brought above water and I can hear my surroundings again. I head Finnick with sadness in his voice.

"I'm so sorry, love. I know it hurts, I'm so sorry." He pleads. I wrap my arms around his neck and he seems startled by my sudden movements.

"I'm okay. Are you okay?" I whisper feeling weak from the fog attack. I can feel my strength slowly coming back to me thanks to the water for healing our wounds. The water is slowly turning a milky white color as our boils disintegrate. The gamemakers really upped their torture this year.

"I'm okay. You're okay." He mumbles out of breath as he puts his forehead to mine. His arms are holding me up in the water and I move to stand. I grip his face with my hands and close my eyes to just live in this moment. We are both safe. Finnick releases a deep breath and brings his hands to my hips with his forehead still pressed to mine and I laugh.

"This is fucking insane." I say and he laughs as well.

"Ryne. Peeta. Finnick. Look up." Katniss says in a calm but nervous manner.

I open my eyes and turn away from finnick slowly to see a baboon like monkey perched on a tree. Mutts. I spot my trident next to Finnicks on the ground on the edge of the water. With slow steps in the water I make my way over to them as I never let my eyes leave the monkey who is staring at me. Gripping both of the tridents I lightly toss Finn his and he catches it with ease while his eyes are also trained on a monkey looking at him .

"Mutts. We have to get to the beach." I say and it was like my voice triggered a wave of angry mutts as they started to launch into their attack. I send the end of my trident into the first monkey I see. With every one that is taken down by one of us, it seems that they are replaced by two new and healthy mutts. It was a never ending road of bloodshed. I am pushed into the water by a mutt and I use one of my knives resting on my waist to stab it. I throw it off of my body and regain my stance, now drenched in water. In the distance I hear Peeta shout for help with an injured morphling but I am currently just a little busy. As Finnick and I start to move closer and closer to the beach I catch a glimpse of Katniss and Peeta dragging the female morphling tribute into the water. She must have saved one of them. When my feet hit the sand it seems like an invisible wall is keeping the mutts from coming any closer. Finn and I stand guard at the entrance to the forest with our tridents ready to strike any mutt who dares to challenge us. Capitol mutts have to be my least favorite thing on the entire planet besides President Snow himself. The evil bastard.

When I feel it's safe to break my guard I look to finnick who currently has a bleeding claw mark on his face.

"Oh! You're hurt. Are you okay?" I say as I drop my trident in the sand and bring my hand to his cut brushing my thumb over it. Blood smears on my finger and spreads on his face. He puts his hand over my hand that rests on his face and traces my knuckles.

"I'm fine, thank you. Are you okay love?" He asks and I nod.

That's when a hovercraft appears and lifts the morphlings body from the water as Peeta and Katniss walk out of the water towards us with sad expressions. She sacrificed herself for the mockingjay and her lover boy.

"She saved me. I did even know her name." Peeta says while kicking the sand and staring at his feet. He seems lost and almost guilty. To be fair, if he didnt need help, she would still be alive.

Oblivious Love (Finnick Odair x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora