12 The Interviews

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The scores were released yesterday. I am slightly concerned by the fact that myself, Finnick, Katniss, and Peeta all received Panems first 12's. It was unheard of until last night. Lincoln gave me a tight hug and a toast and coral even seemed happy by our numbers. Finnick and I shared a concerned look. A 12 puts a hard target on your back, a 12 is almost as bad as a 1. Something just seemed off but I let myself enjoy the positivity that was rolling through the room for the short few minutes that it lasted. That night Finnick and I slept in his room holding each other once again and held little to no conversation. It was like we both knew exactly what the other was thinking, there was no need to talk. We were perfect in the silent harmony of our thoughts, fears, and secret desires.

Today is the interview. I was pulled away from Finnick in a panicked manner by Lincoln. He said I had to be perfect and he would rather die than me go onstage with the slightest bit of imperfection. Due to that I have been in makeup, hair, and costume for hours already. My face held little makeup yet what did make it onto my skin was only used to accentuate my natural features. My freckles showed through the sheer moisturizer and translucent powder, the lipstick was a natural nude with pink undertones, the small amount of eyeshadow was a light peach to make my blue eyes pop and the mascara only made my long eyelashes longer. I had to admire the fact that they wanted me to look like me. It was the only thing left besides Finnick that made me, me. My looks made me look like Ryne Ogeron and Finnick made Ryne Ogeron act like herself.

My dress was far from extravagant. I guess the thing I appreciate most about Lincoln is the fact that he doesn't think the best dress means the most sparkles or the most layers or the biggest skirt. He thinks the best dress is the one that looks the most classic, the one that makes the model look like herself rather than someone who she isn't. I was placed in a tight royal blue silk floor length dress. It was off the shoulder yet at the armpit lace sleeves emerged. My arms were covered in lace patterns that clung tight to each arm. The neckline hung a little lower than I appreciated but showed that I wasn't a little girl anymore. It looked like something you would wear to a ball. The final touch of the entire look made me cringe. A crown.

"Snows request." Lincoln says with a sad face as he places the crown on my head. My hair is styled in a messy bun and the crown fits perfectly on top. I nod stiffly at Lincoln's words. He knows I don't like the name the Capitol gave me, but to disobey Snow is to ask for death.

"Thank you." I whisper to him as I look at myself in the mirror. The crown feels like it's burning a circle into my head. I hate it. I want to rip it off and smash into pieces. But I have to wear it, afterall I am the Killer Queen.

As I am about to leave the room a hand grabs onto my arm.

"You didn't think you were leaving without heels did you?" Lincoln announces with a smirk and I pout like a child.

After fighting about heels for 15 minutes I gave up. I am currently walking down the steps to get behind the stage before the interviews. Gripping onto the railing for dear life as I listen to my shoes hit the marble steps each time. Once at the bottom I go looking for the people I love. I spot Jo first who is standing quietly beside Blight who seems to be staring off into the distance. She sees me and we both share a smile and small head nod to each other. I then go to find my district partner. I see Finnick standing with his back to me and chatting to Haymitch about something serious. Mitch sees me and his face instantly breaks into the rare genuine smile I love so much.

"Hey Mitch." I greet as my arms wrap around Finnick from behind, he is stiff at first but relaxes into my touch after he realizes I'm not Brutus or Enobaria.

"Sweetheart that outfit looks beautiful on you." Mitch says in a calming voice. Finn turns around in my arms and I pull away to see what he was wearing.

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