chapter twenty one

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I would much rather put my tits in a panini press than have the most goodful awful cramps I experience every single month

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I would much rather put my tits in a panini press than have the most goodful awful cramps I experience every single month. The righter word to call it would be 'hell'. Sometimes it physically immobilizes me, leading me to stay in bed all day. Just like now I haven't even got out of bed, and I know it'll be like that for the next two/three days. I've already asked a couple of people to keep me up to date with the work knowing that going to campus is out of the question, the cramps are too much.

I've legit wrapped myself in my duvet like a cocoon in my room as I watch YouTube on my laptop, I hear a knock on my door and it opens and Sasha pops her head in through the small crack of the door, "hi, girl how you feeling?" I pause the vid to look at her, "Terrible." She nods understandably, "I'll come back with some ice cream, okay?"

I give her the biggest puppy dog eyes, "thank you." Sasha gives her a small smile, closing the door as she leaves. I continue with my YouTube marathon but it's not long after when my phone rings. I swipe the screen to answer and it's Devontae. The background is noisy, I can make out the tables and chairs behind him. He's in class, "hey, where are you?"

I start to sit up, cringing when I feel a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. "I'm at home."

He shifts to balance his phone properly, "why?"

I grimace when another sharp pain slices through my stomach again, "my period decided to stop by for her monthly appointment and she's not here to play."

Devontae makes a pouting face which manages to makes me let out a short laugh, "you okay? You don't need anything?" I inhale a deep breath, pushing through the excruciating pain, painting on a fake smile for his sake knowing how he gets, "I'll be fine. I just need to. . .rest. I don't think I'll be able to make it to class this week." He shrugs, "it's aight. I'll gets the notes for you." He looks up from the screen before glancing down at the screen. "I'mma call you back. Hudson just walked in." He gives me a bored face and I snicker. I wave at the camera, and he waves back before he hangs up.



I groan, mumbling a 'no' before turning over and covering myself with the duvet. I groan again before peeling me eyes open to see Devontae hovering over me. He scoots next to me on the bed, "I got this for you." He reaches down and comes up with a large box and places it gently in my lap. I look at him suspiciously, "what's this?"

"Just open it."

I peer at him one more time before taking the lid off and in it is M&M's, Skittles, Hershey kisses, Oreo's, popcorn, Hersey chocolate bars, Sour Patch Kids, lip balm, tampons, pain tablets, ice cream, Doritos, and a heating pad. I purse my lips at his sweetness, resisting the urge to cry, my emotions are on a rollercoaster already. "Thank you so much." I wince when I move too much.

He furrows his brows in worry, "are the pains always this bad?" I brush my hair behind my ears and lay back down, "not all the time. Some are worse than others." He frowns at that.

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