chapter thirty six

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I wake up to a weird sensation between my thighs; I scrunch up my face and choose to ignore it, not exactly ready to wake up yet

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I wake up to a weird sensation between my thighs; I scrunch up my face and choose to ignore it, not exactly ready to wake up yet. I feel the sensation again and whimper, forcing myself to peel my eyes open. I pull the covers off my body and look down to find Devontae's head nestled between my legs, his tongue swirling around my clit skilfully. My hand immediately connects to his head, pushing his head closer to my pussy. His hands slip under my ass, lifting my body to his face.

"Oh, God..." I moan.

My eyes screw shuts as relentless moans escape my throat as he continues ravishing my body, it doesn't take long before I come, my orgasm leaving my legs shaky and my breathing erratic. He places me back onto the mattress, licking his lips.

I lies on my back, helplessly, still recovering from my orgasm as Devontae joins me, lying down next to me. He connects our lips in an enthusiastic kiss. Damn, I could get used to waking up like this.


"Hi." He kisses her again, "Wanna get breakfast?"

"Yeah, in a minute. Just need to catch my breath." I breathe out, my legs still trembling. I flop onto my belly, exhaling loudly, and closing my eyes again. I yelp when a hard smack comes down on my ass, the sound echoing in his room. I lift my head up and glare at him, grabbing a pillow and chucking it in his direction, his laughter loud enough for me to hear even as he left the room.

I drag my ass from the bed and into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face. I have no clothes to throw on, so I opt for Devontae's boxers and a shirt, heading down the stairs. When I enter the kitchen, I look through the fridge for eggs, so I can make breakfast.

As I'm cracking the eggs into a bowl, the front door opens and in comes Nala with Devontae in tow. She notices me and dashes for me, pawing at my legs, "oh, hello big girl." I coo as I abandon the eggs and begin to pet her, rubbing her ears. I pick her up and sit down on a chair opposite the island and Devontae sighs, "guess, I have to do everything around here, huh?"

"Nothing can ever stop me for loving on her." I say, my attention still focused on Nala. "Plus, it's just breakfast. You're more than capable of doing that."

"I'm the only one capable. Well, me and Luke. The guys are terrible at cooking."

"It can't be that bad." I say, looking up at him. He pours the eggs into a hot saucepan, scraping the excess. "You haven't tasted their food."

He stares at me blankly, not responding. I snicker at his seriousness. I take a break from petting Nala and join Devontae in the kitchen, I wash my hands and towel them dry, taking a couple slices of bread and putting them in the toaster. Nala all the while is sitting in between my feet.

He takes out two plates, scooping the eggs onto them. When the toast is done, I spread on some butter and plate them. Devontae is almost done with the strips of bacon he added in the same pan, and I boil the kettle for coffee. I put sugar and milk in mine and only put coffee in his. I steal some bacon when he's not looking, and he glares at me when he catches me in the act.

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