epilogue i

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“Devontae. Sit.”

I sit down almost automatically upon Coach’s command. It’s kinda ridiculous how I still feel like a little boy around Coach sometimes, sure I’ve grown but sometimes I just get taken back to how I used to feel when I was a fresh faced freshman at USC.
I have no idea why he’s called me in here. After the whole debacle at the finals, I highly doubt any team would wanna draft me now. I fucked up yes, but I could never let Dom off the hook for the bullshit he spewed that day. It makes my blood boil just thinking about it.

At this point, I’m just expecting the worst. I was already on thin ice before, and I put my nail in the coffin two weeks ago. Everyone else got there drafting letters way before me and right now I expect nothing except a lecture and a disappointed glance. Right now, I can’t tell what to expect, I can’t read Coach’s demeanour and usually I can, but this time – I’m having a hard time determining his mood.

Also, this is the first time, I’m seeing Coach since my fist fight with Dom so yeah, I’m terrified. Rightly so. Coach sits silently in his chair, with his arms crossed, his desk is clear of any paperwork or admin, and I see a couple of boxes in the corner, I look at them suspiciously before looking at him. “Devontae. Long-time no see.”

I shift in my seat, “yes, it’s been a while.” He’s silent once again and I wanna bolt out of there, even with the doors and windows wide open in the spacious room, it feels claustrophobic.

“Alright, I’ll cut to the chase. As much as I want to lecture you for what you did last time we saw each other,” I knew it. “I won’t.” Huh?

“I’m sorry, what?”

“Yeah, I know shocker. I wouldn’t like it anyone called my wife out her name, however I would’ve dealt with it in another way.” I had that coming. “However, many applaud you for defending your lady, and I do too.”

“Although, because you defended her in the way you did on national television it got a lot of publicity, good and bad. Many teams were kind of hesitant to draft you.”

Ah, well I expected that. “Thank you for your time, Coach.” I say getting up, ready to leave. “Hang on, Carter. That’s not all I called you in for.”

I arch a curious brow at him, “okay?” Coach sighs, twiddling his thumb looking down at his desk. He almost looks…nervous? This unusual. He’s usually calm and in control.
“I’m retiring.”



“It’s about time, too. I just wanna spend time with my grandbabies and enjoy the peaceful life without having to deal with a bunch of drunk college kids. I had a good run but it’s time to hand over the reins to someone new.”

“I hope you don’t mean…”

“Nah, never. Coach Taylor got into an altercation with a student and called them a racial slur and got suspended, he’s got a disciplinary hearing coming up and I doubt he’ll come back since more students have exposed him and their experiences with him being blatantly racist.”

“Thank God, is that all?” I ask.

“No.” His faces goes from serious to the tiniest grins he’s ever shown to me before. “Here. You deserve to be put out of your misery.” Coach slides a white envelope to me. My heart pounds as I pick it up with shaky hands. I open it up and read the letter. I got in!

“Holy shit!”

“Congrats, boy. You’re on the up and up.” He sticks out his hand for me and I shake it, he gives me a hug. It’s a lengthy embrace, with him patting my back which leads for a tear leaking from my eye and another and another. We pull back and I sniffle, “thank you, Coach.”

He places his hand on my shoulder, “you deserve it, I know your family will be so proud of you.”

Driving to Kiana’s apartment was a blur because next thing I’m knocking on her door, waiting on her to answer. The door opens and seeing Kiana with a bright smile on her face is all I needed. Her eyes drop to the envelope in my hand, and they widen immediately knowing what it is.

“No way. It isn’t –”

“Oh, but it is.”

“Oh my God!” She screams, jumping on me. I catch her with ease, and I bury my nose in the crook of her neck. I chuck the envelope on the island, clinging onto Kiana as her legs wrap around my waist. She puts her feet on the floor, her grip not ceasing. “Oh my God! We gotta call your mom!” She lets go of me and runs up the stairs, I decide to get comfortable and sit on her couch.

I can hear her footsteps as she runs down the staircase, with her phone in hand. She jumps onto the couch next to me and unlocks her phone. She goes to her contacts and calls my mom who she’s saved as Momma Carter. It rings twice before she answers, my mom’s face filling up the screen. “Hi, Kiana. You, okay?”

“Hey, I’m here too.” I say and my mom waves me off, “so what’s going on?” Ki and I look at each other with smiles on our faces and my mom gasps, “you’re pregnant?!”
It’s Kiana’s turn to gasp now, “momma no!” I show her the envelope and tears immediately fill her eyes. “Donte! Destiny!”

She hollers and they rush into the frame, “what’s wrong?” Is what I hear my dad ask.

“I got in.”

“Are you shitting me?” My dad asks, not convinced.

“No, sir.” My dad balls his hand into a fist, putting it to his mouth, his eyes also filling with tears. I glance at Kiana to see her crying as well. “Congrats, son. No one deserves this more than you.”

“Thanks dad.” Since our last visit with Kiana, my relationship with dad has improved immensely as well with the rest of the family, I look down at Kiana, who’s now having a conversation with my family and I can’t help but smile at the fact that she’s the reason why our family is reconnecting once more, I could never be more thankful and now we’re about to begin our new journey together, whatever that is.

” Since our last visit with Kiana, my relationship with dad has improved immensely as well with the rest of the family, I look down at Kiana, who’s now having a conversation with my family and I can’t help but smile at the fact that she’s the reas...

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