chapter twenty nine

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The moment we've all been waiting for

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The moment we've all been waiting for.

UCLA vs USC. The Bruins and Trojans going head to head for the match that everyone's been waiting for. The girls and I were huddled up on the bleachers of the boy's first home game and we sure as hell didn't wanna miss it. Amaal, Cassie, and I wore our school's sweatshirts with face paint on their faces. Sasha on the other hand wore her boyfriend's spare basketball jersey. We decided to sit in the second row because the first is the designated spot for the blood-thirsty jersey chasers, over-excited fans, and the certified girlfriends of the athletes.

Today's game compared to all the others is their biggest one yet because it's against the UCLA Bruins. On the outside I'm as cool as a cucumber but on the inside...I can't stop my knee from bouncing, I'm biting on my nails every chance I get, and my eyes can't stay in one place.

In addition, I will finally get to see the infamous Dominic Dominguez. What I've come to realize with Devontae is laid back and chill in general, only three things irks his nerves: his ex, his ex-best friend, and his strained relationship with his dad. I trust Devontae whole heartedly but as far as his scarred past with his ex-best friend turned arch nemesis, all things go.

The cheers close their routine, tumbling and cartwheeling off the court as the Trojans jogs onto the court. We leap onto our feet along with the rest of the spectators we came in support, clapping loudly, whistling, and screaming for them, with the Bruins support boo. Tough crowd.

Not long after them the UCLA Bruins make their way onto the court and the USC's support don't hesitate to return the favour by booing them as well. The tension in the air is palpable as each of the team's huddle around one more time to talk with each other their coaches.

I hold my breath when Dominic and Devontae make eye contact. Both wear a passive expression. It seems I'm not the only one who notices because Sasha nudges me when she sees them. It's when Dominic gives him a half-smirk that makes my eyes widen. Uh oh.

Devontae simply arches a brow at him as if to say, "bring it on" and jogs over to our side by the bleachers. My brows turn up in confusion as his long legs stretch over each step to me and places his lips on mine, in front of everybody. I'm about to pull away but he pulls me by the wrist and meshes our lips even closer together if that was truly possible. He pulls away just as I get lost into it before turning and saunter away. The people surrounding me are so loud from cheering and hooting I fear I'm going to go deaf. Sasha grabs me by the forearm and shakes me relentlessly. As the teams try to get some last minute warmups in. I narrow my eyes at Devontae and this man has the audacity to fucking wink at me.


The Bruins and Trojans are necking a neck in the third quarter with the Trojans leading by ninety-five and UCLA by ninety-two. I'm nauseated from anticipation, and with only one quarter left it's bound to get chaotic.

Dom crosses over to number 3 who dribbles the ball across the court bypassing James. Number three passes the ball back to Dominic who makes an aim, and the ball enters the hoop effortlessly.

It's tied. The whistle blows for the final quarter and the guys go off their court and Kiana can practically see steam coming out of Coach Jackson's ears when I finally decide to uncover my eyes. I scan the court and my eyes meet Devontae's momentarily and throughout all the chaos he still manages to shoot me a small smile as if to say ''relax.''

I can feel someone's watching me, but it's not the feeling I get when Devontae is staring at me. It's an uncomfortable and when I do find the culprit, it's Dominic who's gaze is fixed onto me with a flicker of mischief that I don't like. The basketball game recommences with Devontae dribbling the ball down the court, UCLA's guard close on his tail. He pumps fake and breezily whisks past him, passing the ball to Travis who makes a shot and scores.

It's another excruciating nine minutes and the teams tied. Again.

I can see the frustration and exhaustion radiating off Devontae and the team with UCLA's persistence. I haven't attended any sports game at USC ─ basketball games for that matter ─ and I finally understood what people raved about when they say the Trojans have the best athletes and I've only attended one game, this one being my second.

There are fifteen seconds left on the clock, the girls and I are holding onto one another with anxiety and anticipation.

UCLA's small forward distracted which gives Rome the chance to steal and make a break for it. He sprints across the court, sneakers squeaking against the floor. The crowd is now up on their feet as they cheer him on. When their defender blocks him Roman pivots on his heel, taking a substantial risk and throwing the ball backward over his head. Devontae luckily catches it in his left then dunks it in the hoop with his right.

USC's side of the court bursts into loud cheers and hollering in celebration while Dominic scowls at Devontae from the opposite side of the court. The girls leap up from our seats, jumping, screaming at the top of their lungs at the guys' victory. While they celebrate together, I can't bear waiting, make a break for, and fly down the stands onto the court.

Devontae is still speaking to the guys, heading towards the double doors, to the change rooms. Travis yanks onto Devontae's jersey, catching his attention. He turns his head in my direction, and I practically jump into his arms. On instinct my legs wrap around his waist and his arms around my waist with a secure grip, his chest rumbles as he chuckles lowly in his throat. ''Well, hello to you too."

I bury my head into the crook of his neck, he twirls the both of us around and I squeal. After spinning the both of us around, he places me down onto my feet, casually putting his arm around both of my shoulders and I wrap mine around his waist as we fall into sync walking out of the court. "Mind explaining what the kiss was for?"

"Uh, well. Take it as you are my good luck charm." He shrugs. I seem to forget he's sweaty and spin out of his hold. "That's ridiculous, Devontae. You always been a great player."

"Knowing you're watching me makes me wanna be the best." Aw shucks. I use my index finger and thumb to pinch his cheeks, "Flatterer."

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