chapter twenty

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I open one eye to the sun shining through the blinds

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I open one eye to the sun shining through the blinds. I try to move my legs and I have no feelings in my legs. I look around and when I look down, I understand why. I lie back down on the pillow then reach over to my side for my phone and when I see the time is ten am I groan, knowing that we must leave soon.

But with Devontae being a light sleeper I need to figure out how I'm gonna get out of bed without waking him up. Taking the pillow, I'm lying on, I shift onto my back then quickly places it in between his hands. I hold my breath when I see him move but then relaxes when he clutches the pillow tightly. Sitting on the edge of the bed, rubbing my eyes, I get up, but I plop back down onto the mattress when I feel the soreness between my legs.

Devontae really dicked me down last night. I hear a chuckle from behind me and freeze. "The fact you can't get up means I did something right."

I take a deep inhale and haul myself up, but I fail once again and admit defeat. "Stay in bed with me." Devontae says and I hear the sheets rustle with his movements, and I feel him plant his lips on my neck and down to. my shoulder and my body relax at the feathery kisses, but I know if I give in, we'll never leave. "As appealing as it sounds ─ we have to be gone by twelve." My voice comes out strained when I feel his teeth dig into my collar bone, his tongue slowly runs over where his teeth were, and I hold back a moan. "Devontae ─ " I shrug him off, not giving in to his advances, "we can't be late." I hear him sigh behind me and the sheets begin rustling again then he appears in front of me. He bends over and his arm hooks under my legs while the other goes behind my back, and he lifts me bridal style. He walks across the room to the bathroom and sets me down on the counter and turns on the water for the shower. While I wait, I try to minimize the amount of movement of my legs.

"This is like deja vu all over again." He glances at me as he sticks his hand under the water and when he's satisfied, he returns to where I'm sitting and as much as I am naked as the day I was born, his eyes stay on my face. "What do you mean?" He leans forward on the counter with his elbows, my hands find his hair, running through the messy curls. "I'm referring to the first time we had sex." His brows raise, "uh, huh." Is all he says before a wolfish like smiles appears on his face. I shove him, looking away but his hand grabs my chin so I can look at him, "remember you almost ran out on me?"

"I did not!" I told my arms over my chest, lifting my breasts up higher. His eyes drift down them, and so do I and I roll my eyes, dropping my hands and my breasts drop and his eyes follow the movement, "God, you're such a pervert." He says nothing except lift me up and places me under the shower head, the water hits my back, and my body relaxes from the hot water, He takes off his briefs and joins me in the shower, his large frame taking up most of the shower. His arms envelope me from behind and his fingers trace a soft pattern on my stomach. He then brings my body closer to his, placing soft kisses at the back of my neck. My head rolls back onto his chest as I release a sigh. "You thought you were slick trying to replace yourself with a pillow." I laugh, "it was worth the try."

Devontae laughs then nibbles on my earlobe and I feel his hand skimming down my stomach to my core. I meekly say no but it comes out as more of a moan than a whisper, He ignores me and plunges his middle and index finger into me and starts thrusting them in and out of me tortuously slowly. I groan, grabbing a hold of his hand to encourage him to go faster, we might be late, but I'm so drenched and needy for him that I don't care anymore.

"I just need five minutes and by the looks of it, you need it too." He mumbles into my ear.


He did not take five minutes. Devontae being the greedy, insatiable man he is. . .we were in the shower until the water got cold and I'm still sore, but he understood, and he took care of me using only his mouth and tongue. I wanted to return the favour, but he insisted he'll be fine. I don't know whether to believe him, but I know those blue balls must be killing him right now. Not as much as my legs that are still shaking. After a long, emotional goodbye to India and the rest of my family, he and I rushed to the airport to catch our flight.

We've spent the past hour listening to music on my phone. After persuasion, I finally managed to get him to listen to Kiana Ledè's new album. Good Girl is the song currently playing and Devontae who has been quiet since the first song Attention, probably listening attentively. He speaks up for the first time in a while. "She's pretty good." I grin widely, feeling extremely proud of myself, "told ya." He responds by rolling his eyes while I snicker. With each of us having an air pod in one ear, I go back to reading online as he watches the latest NBA game on the monitor.

We sit together with no space between us with my legs thrown over Devontae's lap and my head on his chest. His large hand is tucked in between my thighs, his thumb tracing a pattern on the top of my thigh. However, the fact we haven't spoken about what we did last night or this morning, and it's been nagging at me since we left the hotel, but I choose to ignore it cos I'd rather savour all of this while I still can before we must stop whatever it is that's going on between us because we can't afford to make it any more than it should be.

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