He takes you on a romantic date (his P.O.V)

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Niall's P.O.V

"He so what you lads doing after we're done here in the studio?" Louis asks all of us.

"Ummmmm? Sophia and I are going shopping for our bedroom." Liam told us.

"I'm hanging out at home." Harry says. oh poor Harry I would invite him over to Y/N and I's place but I have something planned for her.

"Perrie and I are just packing for our trip to see our family's." Zayn said.

"Me and Eleanor are just going to see a film and such." Louis said.

What about you Niall?" Harry asked me.

"Ummm? I got this whole date planned for Y/N tonight." I told them blushing a bit.

"Awwwwwww! Look at our little Nialler growing up!" Liam exclaimed.

~after studio~

"Bye Niall! Good luck with your date." they all yelled my way, as we all got in our cars.

I drove to the nearest flower shop to buy Y/N favorite flowers.

"Hello sir! How may I help you?" The salesman asks.

"Yes I would like a boutique of red roses please." I told, he leaves and makes a boutique of red roses.

"Her you are my kind sir! Anything else?" he asked.

"No thank you." I replied.

I leave to go make sure everything is set up for the date, I want it to be perfect.

I drive home to pick Y/N for our date, I park the car walk up to the door I told Y/N that we were going on a date and I also asked Lou our stylist to pick out Y/N's outfit for tonight.

"Y/N! I'm home! You ready to go!?" I yelled when I get though the door.

"Gosh! Niall you don't have to tell I can hear you." Y/N giggled, walking up to me.

"Oh yeah sorry. Ummmmm? These are for you." I said handing her the flowers I got not to long ago.

"Oh my gosh! Niall there gorgeous!"
Y/N said, as she sniffed the flowers.

"So you ready to go?" I asked her.

"Yes but let me put these in a vase and water before we leave." Y/N said be before walking into the kitchen.

I follow her to the kitchen and watched her put the flowers in the vase with a smile.

"Okay now I'm ready." Y/N told me, we walked out the door and got in my car and I drove to where I set up the date.

We soon arrive to where I set up the date.

"So I'm going to blind folded you know okay babe." I explained to her.

"Do I really have to be blind folded?" Y/N whined.

"Yes love you have to! It'll make it special!" I whined ad well.

"Oh okay!" Y/N gives in. I walk her to where it's set up, I unblind fold her to show her what the screen looks like.

"Oh my gosh! Niall it's beautiful! Did you do this?" Y/N asks.

"Well I had some help." I told her.

"Oh wow it's so beautiful! Thank you!" She says and comes and gives me a hug.

"So shall we?" "We shall." She agreed.

We spent our time just enjoying each other's company and of course kissing, a lot of kissing but I'm not complaining.

"So as much as I hate to say this but you ready to go?" I asked a bit disappointed that this date has come to an end.

"Oh okay."she says a bit sad to know that the date it over too.

"Oh Y/N I hope your not disappointed that that date has come to an end, we can go on other dates don't worry." I reassured her.

"No Niall it's not that, it just I feel like we never get to spend a lot a time together and I guess I just miss you and this date was just a breath of fresh air knowing we are spending time together." she explained.

"Oh babe we can spend more time together, I've notice it as well but didn't want to say anything because I wouldn't want you to feel bad." I said.

"Oh Niall your the best! I love you!" She said kissing me.

"I love you too baby." I said kissing her one more time.

"How bout we make a deal?" I said.

"What deal?" Y/N asked curious about what I have to say.

"We make like a date night when we can do every night before we go to bed we talk and see when we can go on a date or when we feel like we need a date,deal?" I said. "deal." Y/N agreed but instead of shaking hand like normal, people we kiss.

"So let's go?" I said. "yeah let's go." Y/N said with her beautiful smile.

~after car ride home~

We get out of the car and go into our shared flat.

"So do you want to get ready for bed or watch a film?" I asked.

Ummm? How bout we just go to bed a watch a film tomorrow night and just be lazy." she suggested.

"Okay sounds good to me I'm pooped." I said.

We go and brush our teeth after, we go and get our pyjamas on and get to bed.

"Y/N I hope you liked the date I planned?" I said.

"Oh my gosh! Niall I didn't like it...." she said to my disappointment.
"I loved it." she finished.

"Oh I'm so glad babe!" I said with excitement.

"Okay now let go to bed now I'm really tired." Y/N said.

"Okay." I said simply.

We laid down and put the cover over us and cuddled up against each other and fell asleep.

I know for sure I'm in love with this girl.


Hey so I hope you enjoyed it the outfit for that date is up on top if you use the app,if you use a computer I have no idea because I never used a computer before for this.


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