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Your P.O.V

So I'm visiting Niall on tour but I'm a bit nervous because You have glasses now and don't want him to be embarrassed with being around me because of them.

You looked around to find Niall but there's no sign of him anywhere? Maybe he found out You got glasses and was ashamed or something? Ugh! Stupid glasses!

"BOO!" A voice yelled making me scream for half the world to hear. You turned around to find Niall laughing his butt off.

"Niall! That wasn't funny!" You yelled at him.

"Yes it wa......"he stopped mid sentence and looked at you.

Oh great he noticed the glasses now what are you go to do?

"You got glasses! Wow cool babe!" He said looking at your face.

"Really?!" You exclaimed in Surprise.

"Yes! Really! Why are you so surprised with me saying that?" He asked curiously.

"Well I thought you would of been embarrassed to be seen with me because of them." you said looking at the floor.

"What?! What would you think that? Because that's a stupid thing to think." he said.

"Well because I was embarrassed wear so I just thought...." he cut you off saying "well you don't need to be because you look damn sexy in those glasses!" He exclaimed.

"Really?" You asked gazed by what he said.

"Yes really! Now how bout we leave this airport from the front so I can show the world my sexy girlfriend with her new glasses?" Niall mentioned.

So you two headed to the front entrance of the airport to find paparazzi and fans waiting to meet and see Niall and for Niall to show of you and your new glasses.


Hope you liked that it was inspired by me having to go o the eye doctor!:'(

Message to:NIALL HORAN IMAGINES Readers.

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