You surprise him on tour

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Your P.O.V

Right now you on a plane to visit Niall your boyfriend on tour he just started his tour one the road again which you know he was very excited about but not very excited to leave for awhile,but you and him knew you both could get though it together.

"Lady and gentlemen please fasten your seatbelt the plane will be taking off momentarily." the captain of the plane said.

We might as well get comfy this is going to be a long plane ride.

~after plane flight~

Finally you were off that stupid plane you had enough of the annoying kid behind you that wouldn't stop kicking your seat so you are extremely tired.

Thankfully you were being picked up by one of the boys well except Niall because you were surprising him.

You walked through the airport and to the baggage claim, now all you have to do it wait for one of the boys to pick you up.

5 minutes have passed and still no sign of any of the boys, but soon enough you see a curly hair or some what of curly hair walking your way.

"Y/N! How was you flight?" Harry asked you and hugging you at the same time.

"Ugh?! Don't get me started, this spoiled brat kept kicking my seat do I got no sleep what's so ever." you say rolling your eye.

"Oh that sucks! But you ready to surprise Niall?" Harry asked you.

"I can't wait!" You exclaimed, getting over the brat ordeal.

You and Harry walk out to the parked car in front of the airport doors.

~after car ride from airport~

You decided to go to hotel to surprise Niall, so you have to wait until the concert over until you can see Niall but you took it to you advantage and decided to take a nap.

~after concert~

Niall's P.O.V

"Ugh! What a rush!" I said to the rest of the boys.

"Hell yeah it was!" The all agreed with me.

"But I'm beat so how bout we just go to the hotel and sleep?" Harry suggested.

Everyone agreed and now we're going back to the hotel.

We arrive and nothing out of the odernary and we find fans and paparazzi outside the hotel, like always the fan I don't mind but the paparazzi I do they just can't mind their own business.

"Niall how does it feel to be betrayed by you band mate Harry with him hooking up with your girlfriend Y/N?" One of the paparazzi yelled catching my attention.

What? No this can not be happening?! Not my best mate and girlfriend?!

I didn't want to start any drama and just went up to my hotel room.

I walk up to he door and walk inside to find Y/N sleeping in my bed.

I walk up to her just to see if it's really her and it is,i'm so happ- wait Harry and Y/N what if they did sleep together? Maybe that's why he left during rehearsal?

"Niall? Is that you?" Y/N asks waking up.

"Yeah it me babe." I Said flatly.

"Oh sorry I was tired so I guess I feel asleep a lot longer then I thought but.....SUPRISE!" She yelled running over to give me a hug, I didn't hug back because I want answers about why the paparazzi said what they said.

"Niall? What's wrong?" She asked confused.

"Did you sleep with Harry?!" I plane out said a bit angry about the whole thing.

"What?! Where did you get that from?!" She yelled at me.

"Oh I'm not stupid Y/N! Harry left during rehearsal to come and have sex with you!" I yelled at her.

"Oh my gosh! You think I cheated on you?! Wow! What a great way to waste money to surprise my BOYFRIEND and be accused of cheating! thanks a lot Niall! Shows how much you trust me!" She screamed at me.

"Hey a least I didn't go sleep with your best friend behind your back!" I yelled.

"How dare you! How dare you! If you must know we did not sleep together! Harry was helping me surprise you by picking me up from the airport you jackass!" She yelled and then running out of the room, I call her name trying to get her to come back but it was to late, she was no where to be seen.

Ugh?! Why I'm I such a jackass?! I should of never believe that paparazzi and trusted Y/N.

Your P.O.V

You can't believe him?! Saying You cheated on him?! You can't believe he doesn't trust you?

Now You don't have a room to stay in,You guess you have to stay in Harry's room.

You walk up to Harry's room and knock on the door.

He opens up the door to see you and sees your upset.

"Oh my gosh! Y/N! What happened?!" He asks pulling me inside his hotel room.

"It's Niall, he thinks we slept together." You told him.

"What?! Oh my gosh! Y/N I'm so sorry." he apologises to you for no reason.

"No Harry you have nothing to be sorry about, it just I guess he doesn't trust me as well as I thought he did." you said still crying.

"Oh I'm sorry, here take the bed and I'll take the couch, okay." he said taking you to the bed and making you lay down.

~next morning~

You wake up to hear shouting coming from outside the door.

You open the door to find Niall and Harry fight.

"You have to trust her Niall!" Harry yelled at him.

"Okay I get it Harry I'm a jackass who doesn't trust his girlfriend!" He yells back.

You walk up the them and they stop fighting.

"What is going on?" You asked in Total confusion.

"Sorry we didn't want to wake you." they both said.

"Oh okay." you said simply.

"Y/N is it okay I talk to you alone?" Niall asked you, you agreed and walked back to Niall's room.

"Oh gosh Y/N I'm so sorry! I was being a jealous Jackass and I'm completely sorry for what I did." Niall apologize.

"It's okay Niall but it hurt that you don't have enough trust in me." you told him.

"That's understandable. can we just forgive each other and enjoy the time we have with each other?" Niall asks hopefully.

"Yeah but you have to apologise to Harry as well." you said giving him a hug.

"Okay I'll be right back." he said running out the door to apologise to Harry.

When he got back you two just decided to be lazy and watched movies, make out ,and just enjoying each other's company.

Your surprise to see Niall may have had some drama but it was the best time you had in awhile.


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It means a lot to have people read my books so thank you!

Message to:NIALL HORAN IMAGINE readers.

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