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Requested by @ritsalfigeneia

Your P.O.V

"Good morning, love." You hear you're loving husband, Niall greet as you open your eyes from you're deep slumber.

"Good morning, Ni." You giggled, rubbing you're eyes sitting up.

"How are you and our little one?" He smiled, kissing you're pregnant belly.

You couldn't help but he so happy, your nine months pregnant and you could go into labor any time now. You and Niall are so excited to have your baby boy.

"We're great! How 'bout daddy?" You asked, smiling at him.

"Amazing!" He exclaimed, leaning up to Kiss you from where he was by you're belly.

"Now how 'bout breakfast?" He asked, rubbing his belly as a sign that he's hungry.

"Breakfast sounds amazing!" You answered. Niall shot up and ran out of your bedroom and to the kitchen with you right behind.

~3 hours later~

You are sitting on the couch at the moment and you suddenly felt pain in you're lower belly area.

"Niall! Niall, get in here right now!" You shouted, holding you're stomach.

"What?! What's wrong?! Are you okay?! Is the baby okay?!" He yelled, running into the living room where you are sitting.

"The baby! The baby is coming!" You exclaimed, pointing at your belly.

"Oh!" He said, he stood there for a moment, not completely understanding what you just said. "Oh! Wait! The baby! Our baby! Baby coming! Ahhh!"

You nod you're head in response, waiting for Niall to help you up.

"Niall grab the baby bag!" You ordered, before you two were out the door. He nodded his head, running from you're side to where the bag is. He eventually came back and helped you out the door, to the car, and to the hospital to have your baby.

~at the hospital~

"I can't believe it, Y/N, Our baby is finally here." Niall whispered, as he held your baby boy in his arms.

"It's so amazing! In just a short amount of time and I already know being a mother will be one of the best experience I will ever have." You said, as you look over at you're loving husband holding your child you both share together.

"Here, Y/N. Hold little Andy." Niall said, handing over you're baby boy.

"Hold him with me." You smiled. Niall wrapped his arms around you and held you're baby boy with you.

"He has your eyes, Ni."

"He has you're nose, Y/N."

"Welcome to the world, Little Andy." Niall whispered, grabbing his little hand in his index and thumb finger.

You and Niall were unbelievably happy, you can't wait to raise you're baby boy, Andy together. You couldn't have chose a better man to have a baby with.


HELLO! I'm so extremely sorry I haven't updated in forever but I'm hoping this one will make up for it. Sorry to the person who requested this imagine, I hope you like!

If you want to request an imagine DM me what you want and I try and do it as fast as I can.

Sorry for any mistakes!!

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