Special Liam imagine

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Your P.O.V

Today's Liam's birthday and you wanted to do something extremely special and you did but you couldn't give it to him just yet, your surprise is in its way there now.

"Good morning, Love." You heard Liam whisper, waking up from his deep sleep.

"Good morning, birthday boy." You replied, giving him a good morning kiss.

"So, what do you want to do today?" You asked, running your fingers through his hair.

"I don't know but I what I do know is I was to be with you." He answered, with his warm smile on his face.

"Awwww! Your so sweet, Li!" You exclaimed, kissing him on his chest.

"No! You are!" He said, grabbing you to cuddle with him.

"Okay, Liam if you let me go, I'll make you a special birthday breakfast." You told him, trying to get out of his grip.

"Hmmmm? Breakfast does sound nice." He said, acting like he was thinking it through.

"So?" You asked for his answer.

"Alright, breakfast sounds nice." He finally said, giving you the answer you were hoping for.

"Alright, well I'm going to make it." You told him, get up from you comfy spot next to you boyfriend.

~4 hours later~

After the breakfast you made Liam, you two went to hang out with the boys planning a birthday party for him later on because Liam wanted to spend his birthday at home instead of going out.

You decided to tell Liam that you have a gift for  him, you really wanted to be home because you're birthday surprise for him should be arriving soon and you wanted to be there when it arrived.

"Hey, Li?! Can you come here?" You called from Louis' kitchen.

"Yes, babe?" Liam asked, coming into the kitchen.

"Are you almost done here? The gift I got you should be getting to the house soon and I'm pretty sure we need to be there when it does arrive." You explained, holding his hand.

"Awww! Y/N, you didn't need to get me anything! You being here is enough." He said to you, putting both his hand on you cheeks to kiss you.

"Well, you're my boyfriend and I really wanted to get you something, I just hope you like it." You answered, smiling up at him because if you're hight difference.

"Well, I guess I can finish up here because I'm quite curious now." He laughed, leaving the room to tell the lads that he wants to finish up.

~after the car ride~

"Okay, Liam  you're surprise arrived so I want you to put on a blind fold." You told him, taking you're scruff to put over his eyes.

"Can you see anything?" You asked, waving you're hand in front of his eyes that are now covered.

"Nope." He replied, shaking his head with a smile on his face.

"Okay, I'm going to help you inside." You explained, as soon as you reach his side of the car.

"Alright, Y/N." He said, letting you help him inside you're shared flat/apartment.

You guided him in though that front door and into the living room where his surprise sat.

"Okay, you ready for your surprise, Liam?" You asked, looking at the couch where his family sat.

You knew his been missing them so much so you decided to have them come for his birthday, thankfully they were able to come.

"Okay! I'm taking the blind fold off in, 3......2......1!" You exclaimed pulling the blind fold off his face.

"Mum! Dad! Ruth! Nicola!" He yelled, happily running up to them giving them huge hugs.

"What are you doing here?!" He asked, Still in shock of seeing his family in front of him.

"Well, Y/N called us telling that you've really missed us so she arranged for us to come and surprise you." Karen, his mum explained.

"Y/N! I can't believe you did this! Thank you!" He exclaimed, hugging the living day lights out of you.

"Liam I just want you happy, that's why I asked them to come." You explained, hugging him back.

"Thank you so much!" He said, with that smile you love.

Though out the rest of the day, you spent time with Liam and his family, you got to know his mum, who definitely approves you as his his girlfriend, as well as his dad and sisters.

You were so happy that his family liked you and that Liam was as happy as he could be.

"Thanks, Y/N this has been the best birthday ever." He told you, cuddling up next to you in bed.

Hey! Do I know this is a Niall Horan Imagine book but I thought a Liam imagine was need because today is the special of where the most lovable human being was born.


Sorry for any mistakes!!

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