You babysit Theo together

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Your P.O.V

"Y/N! Is it okay that we watch Theo tonight? I know I said I'd take you on a date sense in on break but th-" you cut him off saying "Niall it's okay! We have plenty of time to go on a date. no worries." you reassured him.

"Oh babe you the best!" He said hugging and kissing you.

~2 hours later~


"Oh they must be here can you get that babe?!" Niall yelled from the bedroom.

You yelled back a response and went to open the door. "hey! How are you guys?" You said hugging Denise.

"Oh, we're good! And you?" Denise asked you.

"Oh I'm good!" You replying to her question.

Soon Niall walked out of the bedroom to say hello.

"Hey Denise! How are you?" He asked hugging her.

"I'm good you?" She said.

"I'm good! Where Theo and Greg?" He asked.

"Oh Theo need a dipper change and Greg said he would change it." she explained. speaking of Greg he just walked in.

"Hey Greg! Hey Theo!" Niall said.

"Hey thank you so much for watching him for us." Greg said.

"Oh it's no problem." you said.

"Well I guess we'll be off see you both tomorrow when we pick him up." they said kissing Theo goodbye and walking out the door.

"Well I guess you can keep him busy why I cook dinner?" You said.

"Sounds like a plan to me princess." he agreed kissing your forehead.

You walked into the kitchen to start dinner. after awhile Niall walks in of course asked when dinner will be done but you said you normal response 'soon' as always.

As soon dinner is done you yell for the two of them to come and eat.

"Love this is great thank you so much." Niall said with his mouth full.

"Yeah! It is!" Theo agreed. after the you all are done eating you clean up the help of Niall why Theo colours on the dining room table.

After watching movies for awhile you put Theo to bed and had sometime to talk.

"What do you think it would be like to have a kid of our own Y/N?" Niall asked.

"I don't know? Why?" You asked.

"I guess being around Theo made me think I guess?" He said with a shrug.

"Well.....yeah I want kids but maybe a bit later. I don't know." you replied.

" you want kids with me Y/N?" He asked.

"To be honest Niall I kinda do." you said honestly.

"Well good I want kids with you two." he said with a smile. "how bout we go to bed now aye?" Niall suggested.

"Sounds good to me." you said getting up with Niall walking to the bed room.

The next morning Greg and Denise picked Theo up and went home and of course you two had you date and had an amazing time and know there definitely a future together.


Sorry I haven't updated much but I swear! I'll try and update more.

Message to:NIALL HORAN IMAGINES readers.

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