Thunder storm

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Your P.O.V


You heard a thunder, you're extremely terrified of thunderstorms and you don't know why you just don't like the surprise when th-


When you heard the thunder you squeal trying not to be to loud because your best friend Niall is in the room next to yours.

Niall let you stay the night at his house because you both decided to have a movie night but when you were done with watching the movies it was really late and Niall thought it'd be safer for you, so you are staying the night obviously.


"Oh please stop thundering." You beg to the sky out of being so terrified.

You were being to think you should just go to Niall's room but you didn't want to bother him.


"Okay that's it! I'm going to Niall's room." you said to your self.

"You walked down the hall to Niall's room and knocked a little then opened the door to find Niall fast asleep in bed, you were starting to rethink of coming in here so you turned around to go back to the room you were staying in.

I guess a sleepless night for you.

~next day~

"Y/N! Y/N wake up! It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon! Get up you lazy ass!" You heard Someone say while shaking you to wake up.

"Go away!" You Sighed into your pillow.

"Come on Y/N! Why are you so tired in the first place, I know we stayed up late last night but not that late to where you sleep in so late anyways?" He asked.

"There was a thunderstorm and I got scared do I stayed up until it was over." you explained.

"A thunderstorm?! I didn't hear it?" Niall said confused.

"Because you were asleep." you said simply as you open your eyes to see Niall sitting on the bed.

"Oh Y/N you could of woke me up! I wouldn't have minded." he said with sympathy in his voice.

"I didn't want to disturb your sleep." you answered.

"Y/N, I want you to remember that I'm always here for you, okay so don't think twice about stuff like that because I don't mind, okay?" He said.

"Okay Nialler." you said giving him a hug.

"Now why don't we go to your place to get you some Stuff to spend the night because I think it's supposed to storm again to night but this time you can stay in my room." he said with a laugh.

"Okay Niall. thank you for being so awesome." you said.

"Awwwwww! Your awesome too. now let's go get your stuff!" He said pulling you out of bed.

"But I need to get dressed!" You exclaimed.

"Don't worry about it! We are going to get you clothes any ways!" He exclaimed pulling you out the door.

Oh how stupid your best friend can be but you love him and you wouldn't want anyone else as your best

[•] [N][I][A][L][L][H][O][R][A][N] [•]

Hey! I hope you like this imagine! And I hope you like this book!

Sorry for any mistakes!

Message to:Niall Horan Imagine readers.

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