Why? Or why.

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Niall's P.O.V

I can't believe, why did this happen to me? Why did it have to be her? The next person to die....

Y/N died 2 months ago, it still hurts, nothing can heal the pain but one thing, or one person and that's her, Y/N; the love of my life but she's gone...

I don't think I can handle the pain anymore, I need to be with her! I need to go, I can't live without her, I can't breathe without her; but my fan.... my family...... the lads.... I can't be without her but I can't leave them all with nothing, I'm going to leave a note for them to read it themselves and to the fans.

Dear, everyone who will read or hear about this note.

I'm sorry but I couldn't handle the pain of knowing Y/N, the love of my life is no longer walking and breathing on this planet earth while I'm still able to do so.

I couldn't thank you all enough for loving and supporting me, the love you all have shown me has been incredible but I need to be with Y/N because that's where I'm happiest the most.

I hope you all will forgive me in a later time, but for now I wouldn't blame any of you to feel anger towards me.

Please know I'm happy now because I'm with the one person who has made me the happiest I've ever been.

I love you all so dearly and I can't wait to meet you all when you Rest In Peace as I have with my dearly beloved, Y/N.

Love, Niall...

It was hard writing this note without shedding a few tears in the processes, but I can't stand not having Y/N with me anymore.

I get up from my spot on the bed Y/N and I used to share, to the bathroom. I grab a bottle of medicine that I know will have an affect on me to where I can be with Y/N..

Here I go... I take as many pills as I can... let's see where this goes...

Narrating P.O.V

20 'minutes after Niall took the pills to be with his beloved Y/N, Louis, Liam, Harry, and Zayn showed up at his house to check up on him; they know he's hurting, it hard for them to see him in such a state, know the Irish man who was once full of life and unbelievably contagiously happy, is now dull and emotionally broken from the death of his girlfriend of 4 years.

"Niall?! Are you home?!" Liam exclaimed, as he and the other lads walk in though the front door.

They got no answer, they tried not to think immediately of the worst but knowing how broken Niall was after the loss he experienced, they couldn't help it.

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