He trys and helps you with work (your a vet)

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You wake up in your boyfriends arms,you try and get out of his grip he has on you but it was no use so you had to wake him up or your were going to be late for work at the animal clinic.

"Ni! Niall! Please wake up! I need to get up and get ready for work!" You shake him until he's up.

"Why you waking me up babe?" He asks in his husky Irish morning voice.

"I need to get ready for work baby but I can't because of your death grip you have on me." you said laugh a little.

"Oh okay I'll let you go if.... you let me come to work with you."

"I wish you could Ni but you have work as well."

"Actually Y/N I have the day off so.... PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE LET ME GO TO WORK WITH YOU!" He yells so loud the whole world could hear.

"Okay, okay, okay fine you can come but you have to help okay." You agreed.

"Yes! Thank you so much Y/N you the best girlfriend in the whole wide world!" Niall exclaimed.

"Okay, now let's go get ready." you said.

"Oh I call shower first!" You exclaimed.

"Oh! Babe I got a better idea!" Niall said. "Oh okay what is it?" You asked.

"How bout we save water by showering together?" Niall said being cheeky.

"Ummmmmm? Okay!" You exclaimed.

You both went into the bathroom taking a shower together enjoying each other's company.

When you both are done you two go get dressed in you shared room then you two have breakfast and head to the car on you way to where you work.

~after car ride~

"Hey Y/N how was you weekend?"Your co worker asked you as you walk in.

"It was good thanks for asking and your?"

"It was normal." you co worker said.

"That's good." you said. "well I better get to the boss because I have a special helper with me today." you said looking back at Niall playing with the fish tank in the lobby getting water every where.

"Niall what are you doing to the poor fish?" You asked holding in you laughs.

"Well the fish were being mean to me." he said being the innocent Nialler he is.

"How were the fish being mean to you?" You asked weirded out.

"Well they were eyeing me like this." he showed you weird face with his eyeballs popping out, his lips in a duck face and his cheeks puffed out.

"And then they were laughing at me for no reason and after that they tried and jumped in my hair true story I tell ya Princess." he explained his story.

"Well, okay fish boy you first job is to pick up you water mess." you told him, all he did was look at the floor and asked for a mop.

~1 hour later~

"He have you seen Niall?" You asked you co worker.

"Ummm? Yes I think he's in the back."

"Okay thanks." you walk into the back finding Niall stuck in a pool of dog leashes.

"Babe help!" He said still trying to get free.

"Hold on stay still." you said, helping him get unstuck.

"Wow that was uncomfortable." he said relived he was not stuck anymore.

"Okay now that you unstuck I was called for a farm call and your coming with me." you told him.

"Oh yay! a farm!" He said excited and running out the door but ended up in a closet.

He then walk out of the closet and walked out the right door and to the car with you right behind him.

~at the farm~

Don't worry Mr jones, Libby is going to be just fine." you reassured the owner of Libby the cow.

"Oh thank you Dr Y/L/N." he thanked you.

"Oh no problem now where's Niall?" You said all so curious where your boyfriend might be.

"Oh there he is." Mr Jones said walking you to the chicken coop.

You walk up to the chicken coop to find a Niall being chased by a whole bunch of chickens.

"Y/N help! I don't know what happened I was walking by and boom the just went crazy!" Niall exclaimed, getting on top of the chicken coop.

After saving Niall from the chicken you both made it back to the vet clinic and finished the day.

~on the way home~

"So Niall how did you like being a vet for a day?" You asked.

"I didn't like it, being chased by crazy chicken, being stuck in leashes, and having a bunch of mean fishy making me look bad! I think I'm going to stick to singing, being a vet can be your thing." Niall sighed.

You guys got home and got ready for bed. you finish getting ready for bed to find Niall already asleep.

"Oh Niall you one big dork, but your my dork." you said kissing him on the cheek and slipped under the blanket and cuddle into Niall's arm that are now around you.


Hey so I haven't been updating a lot but this is a new update as you can see I hope you enjoyed it and I promise to try and update more often.
Oh and sorry if you don't like animals.

Message to: NIALL HORAN IMAGINES readers.

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