Same idea

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Your P

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Your P.O.V

You haven't seen Niall in months and you miss him so much. He's been backpacking around the world but you couldn't go because you had school, you understood that this was something he's been wanting to do but you wish it didn't take so long.

You've decided that sense you have a bit of a break off of school, you were going to visit him in his next stop of his adventure.

"Hey, Niall! Oh! I miss you so much!" You exclaimed when Niall's face appeared on the screen.

"I miss you too, baby! How's school?" He asked, smiling at you.

"It's going good, but I hate the mornings though!" You complained, rolling you're eyes.

"Understandable! When do you get off of school?" He asked.

"I can't remember?" You sighed, you knew when you were off of school but you wanted to surprise him.

"Oh. Well when you figure it out then text me, okay?" He added.

You nodded you're head, and you both continued to talk for hours. You couldn't wait to surprise him.

Niall's P.O.V

I hope Y/N likes my surprise for her, I decided sense it's hard for her to come and visit me because of school I decided that I would surprise her.

I'm just walking up to her house now, she shouldn't be at school today because it's Saturday.

I was just about to knock on the door but she opened the door.

"Niall? What are you doing here?" Y/N asked in disbelief.

"I came to surprise you! I took a break from backpacking to see you." I explained.

"Really? That's so weird!" She exclaimed, laughing a little.

"What's weird?" I wondered, frowning my eyebrows together.

"I took a break from school so I could surprise you at you're next stop for backpacking!" She said, still laugh slightly, pointing at her suitcase I nor just noticed.

That's when I started laughing, it's so funny when we both had the same idea.

"That's crazy! Hey, great minds think alike." I joked, laughing still.

She nodded her head in response still laughing.

It's crazy that Y/N and I had the same idea to surprise each other but I guess if you love someone then you'd think of just the craziest or normal ideas to see them.


Hey! I finally updated!! I know it's not long but its something right? Anyways, I wanted to let you all know that I plan on trying to update more often but at the moment, my family and I are moving to anew house, I think this Tuesday, so I wouldn't be able to update for who knows how long.

I'm so sorry that I don't update a lot but I'm trying so I hope you will work we me during this process.

Sorry for any mistakes!!

If you read this^ message then comment Niall is from Ireland!! I decided to try this to see what would happen....

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