You tell him your pregnant(part 2)

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Your P.O.V

"Hey babe!" Niall call though the apartment/flat "hey baby!" Niall said Kissing your growing tummy.

So far your 5 mouths pregnant, you two decided to wait until the baby was born to find out what the sex of the baby was.

"So how are my two favourite people in world doing?" Niall asked.

"Do pretty good and how are you Nialler." you asked.

"Good! Ya know I was think maybe we should pick Names like if it's a girl then it will be the name we picked out and same with the boy!" Niall suggested.

"Yeah that sounds like a great idea! You want to do it now?" You asked.

"Yeah sure meet ya in the bedroom! I think it would be better for you and the baby then the couch." he explained.

"Okay." you replied simply.

You walk into the bedroom to find Niall in his boxers laying in bed.

Oh boy what are you going to do with him?

"Okay so I had a couple of names I liked and I thought I'd share them with you." Niall said as you walk over to the bed and sat down.

"Okay,what are they?" You asked.

"Well if it was a boy then Xavier and if a girl the Lacey, whatche think?" Niall asked for you opinion.

"Oh I really like them! Where did you come up with these ideas?" You asked.

"Oh, well the lads were really excited and gave me names they thought were good and by the name they gave me I guess I came up with those." he explained.

"Oh cool! Now we have to come up with middle names." you stated.

"Yeah we do." He agreed.

"Okay here's an idea......middle name for boy bobby after your dad and if it a girl middle name after my mom
Y/M/N!" You said.

"Yeah I like that it looks like we got our names!" He said excited.

"Yeah we do." you said smiling.

"Ya in babe, I'm really excited for this,you and me having a baby." he said truthfully.

"So I'm I Ni, so I'm I." you said cuddling up into your loving boyfriends arm and the father of the baby your carrying.


I hoped you liked it I may have like 3 or 2 parts to this I don't know but I'll keep you updated.

Message to:NIALL HORAN IMAGINES readers.

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