wishing well

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Your P.O.V

You were on you're way to you're favorite part in the park near you're apratment/flat, the wishing well. the wishing well is you're favorite place at the park because it not only gives you're hopes of you're wishes coming true but everyone elses wishes too.

You were just about to arrive to the wishing well, until you run into someone and fall backwards, you close you're eyes as you prepare yourself for the fall but you never hit the ground, you open you're eyes to see a man with blonde and blue eyes holding you from falling, you couldn't help but stare at him, you don't know what it is but he's fascinating in some way.

"Are you okay?" the stranger asked, kindly.

"Y-yeah, I'm really, really sorry! I didn't see you, I'm so clumsy." you said, totally embarrassed.

"no, don't be sorry, it could happen to anyone. my names Niall by the way." he laughed slightly.

"hi Niall, I'm Y/N." you introduced yourself.

you didn't know what else to say, you just laughed along with him, you could help but laugh. he laugh was so contagious, you didn't know a laugh could be like that.

"if you don't mind me asking, where are you headed?" the blonde asked you.

"well, it depends, why do you want to know?" you smirk playfully to see his reaction.

"well, because I was hoping you'd be going where I was going, cause it could be fate telling you should give me you're number?" he played along, completely knowing what you are doing.

"I'm going to this wishing well in the park." you told him.

"okay, this is fate! can I please have you're number?" he asked again.

you gave him you're number and you both decided to go to the wishing well together, you both continued talking after that day at the park, you and Niall are still going stong 3 years later.



















Hey, so decided I decided to post this little update for you all, we still in the process of moving everything into our new house. I was also thinking of creating another wattpad account to do none fanfiction storys. so, if you are interested in books that aren't fanfiction.

sorry for any mistakes!

NIALL HORAN IMAGINESOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz