Changed (punk Niall part two)

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Requested by MillieWeavin

If you haven't read part one then please go read it:)

Your P.O.V

"Niall, I'm going to give you another chance but it's not going to be easy." You told him.

"Oh my gosh! You won't regret it! I promise!" He exclaimed, with a smile taking over his face.

"I better not." You sighed quietly.

"So this does mean are back together, right?" Niall asked, a few moments later.

"We'll see. I want you to show me that you won't hurt me again." You explained, trying not to look at his saddened face, knowing that you'd give in.

"Oh, okay. Well, how bout on Saturday I prove to you that I won't break your heart again." He suggested, with hope shining in his blue eyes.

"Okay, what time?" You smile, excited for this date.

"I'll pick you up at six?" He asked, smiling.

"Sure. Let's swap numbers?" You smiled, holding you're phone out and gave it to him to out his number in, you put yours in his phone as well.

"Great! See you Saturday!" He exclaimed, hesitantly kissing you're cheek.

You couldn't help but smile, he was making you fall for him all over again. You now can't wait for the date on Saturday, but you still were scared that he will hurt you, but you knew that you had to give him a chance. (I was so tempted to write chonce instead of chance:'D)

~Saturday night~

You just finished getting ready for you're date with Niall, you hope that Niall likes you're outfit.


You quickly walked to the door and opened it, you see Niall standing their will a single red rose.

"Oh wow! Niall it's beautiful!" You gushed, you knew it was just one rose but you thought it was romantic how he brought a rose.

"I knew you didn't like a huge thing of flowers so, I just got one rose." He chuckled, handing you the rose.

"Well, thank you." You giggled, taking the rose, and walked to the kitchen to put it in a vase.

"Ready to go?" Niall asks, when you get back from putting the flower in the vase.

In response, you nod you're head and Niall led you out to his car, Niall gets in on the driver side and starts the car, he soon began to drive to you're destination.

"Where are we going?" You ask, as Niall turns down a road.

"It's a surprise." He smiled, looking over at you.

Ugh! Really?!" You whined, softly smacking you're head on the passenger side window.

"Awwwww! Don't hurt yourself love, we'll be there soon." Niall giggled at you when you hit the window.

5 minutes later you arrive at a zoo, you are so confused of why he brought you to a zoo.

Niall some how read you're mind by saying "I know what you're thinking, 'why did he bring to a zoo?!' Well you'll found out when we get inside."

You just laughed in response and followed him inside the zoo, you go through the entrance and were welcomed by a zoo keeper.

"Hello! I'm guessing you're Mr, Horan?" She guessed, pointing to Niall.

He nodded his head and she told you to follow her to where she was leading you. Which she lead you in front of the lion exhibit, which was darkened to where you couldn't see anything in the exhibit.

"I hope everything goes as planned." She smiled before walking leaving you two alone.

"Niall why can't we see anything?" You wonder, walking closer to where the exhibit is.

"Hold on." He said, holding his index finger at you as he says hold on.

He walks to the side of the exhibit and pressed a button, as he pressed the button the lights of the exhibit turned on and it showed the lions standing around or laying around the exhibit peaceful, but that's not what amazed you, there where Christmas lights hung around the exhibit spelling out something, it spelled 'please say yes to being my girlfriend, Y/N?'

You were in complete shock, you were at lose of words.

"D-do you like it?" Niall nervously asked, moving closer to you to see you're reaction.

"Niall this....this is amazing! I don't like it, I love it!" You exclaimed, shaking you're head in disbelief.

"Really?!" He asked, with his eyes brightening in excitement of you're reaction.

"Yes, it's amazing! I can't believe you did this." You laughed, still in shock of his much effort he put in to this.

"So what do you say? Will you be my girlfriend again? Does this prove you can trust me, that I won't ever hurt you again?" He questioned, looking at you with his blue eyes with hope they you would be his girlfriend again.

"Niall to be honest I thought you changed, you look so different from when we dated before and I was a scared, I judge a book by its cover and I shouldn't have, this proves, yeah you look completely different on the outside but you are still the same on the inside, the one I fell for the first we started dating." You explained, looking directly into his eyes.

"So, will you be my girlfriend again? Please give me an answer." He begged for an answer.

"Yes, a million times yes! I'd be completely stupid if I let you slip thou my fingers now." You answered, giggling slightly.

"Yes! You won't regret it! I promise!" He exclaimed, jumping up and hugging the life out of you.

When he pulled away slightly, he gave you a long wait kiss.

"Now, let's eat!" He excitedly, said as he lead to a table that you nod just noticed.

You are glad you gave him a second chance, he never hurt you again. You know you both have a bright future together, you can't wait to see what the future holds for yours and Niall relationship.


Hey! I finally updated! I'm so unbelievably sorry for not updating in awhile... Please forgive me!! I'm still doing requests if anyone wants one. I now only have one for sense I just updated. I hope it doesn't feel to rushed....

I hope you liked it! Sorry for any mistake!!

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