Rotten tooth (part 1)

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Requested by NiallersGirl20

Your P.O.V

"Hey Niall?!" You yelled calling your boyfriend.

After a few moments he doesn't answer.

"Niall are you okay?!" You yelled out again. instead of him answering in the other room he comes in, but he's holding his mouth.

"Nialler what's wrong? Why are you holding the side of your mouth?" You asked worried about your boyfriends health.

"Nothing, nothing at all don't worry babe." he says, so you let it go not wanting to push it anymore.

~a few days later~

"Niall breakfast! Come and get it!" You called to Niall.

He comes into the kitchen and grabs his plate and sits at the table.

As you eat you notice Niall not eating like he used too, he just started out eating but slowly, but now he Hardly eating at all.

"Niall, cut the act I know something's wrong with your mouth now please tell me." you begged wanting to help him.

"You know me too well it's scary." he said smiling a bit.

"Now can you tell me what's wrong?" You asked.

"Fine. it's my tooth, it's killing me! I want it to be fixed but I don't like going to the dentist so I'm hoping it would heal itself." he said holding him the side that hurts.

"Let me see Niall." you told him as you go closer to him to see.

He opens his mouth and you see he has a rotten tooth.

"Niall it looks like you have a rotten tooth." You said.

"A rotten tooth?! I can't have a rotten tooth!" He exclaimed freaking out.

"Niall it's okay! I can be the one to fix your tooth if you want?" You said trying to calm him down.

"How?! Your not a dentist are you?" He asked.

"Actually I'm a dentist and orthodontist." you told him to where he had a surprise look on his face.

"No way?! How come you never Told me?!" He exclaimed.

"I guess it never came up." you shrugged your shoulders.

"Oh." he says simply.

"So will you let me fix your tooth?" You asked.

"I guess." He sighed knowing you wouldn't let it go.

"Good! I'm going to go call and see when I can do it." You said as you leave to go call the dentist/orthodontist office you work at.

"Okay, tomorrow morning is when we can do it, can you hold on till then babe?" You asked him.

"Yeah babe I can." he said smiling up at you since he's sitting in a chair.

~the next morning~

"Niall! Wake up! We need to get ready, you are getting you rotten tooth removed." you said shaking Niall awake.

"Go away! I want to sleep!" He exclaimed pulling the blanket over his head.

"I hate to do this to you Nialler." you said under your breath as you pull the blanket to the ground making Niall sigh in frustration.

"Do you want your tooth fixed?" You asked him as if he's a three year old.

He sighed and you heard a faint 'yes' as he pulls himself out of bed getting ready.

After you both are ready you get in your car and drive to the dentist/orthodontist office you work at.

~skip car ride and waiting room~

"Okay Niall you ready to get your mouth fixed?" You asked.

"Yep." He answered but came out more like 'yehsp' because of the novacaine you gave him.

~after removing the tooth~

"Hmmmm? What happened?" You hear Niall ask as he wakes up.

"You got your rotten tooth removed, do you feel any pain?" You asked.

"No." He answered still trying to figure out what happened.

"Niall while removing your tooth I noticed you braces need to be tightened so I was hoping you'd let me tighten them for you?" You asked.

"What I don't know babe? I always hate that part of braces and I just hate it." He says freaking out.

"Niall it's okay." you reassured him.

"Okay you can do it but after we are going home to cuddle and be completely lazy." he said with a sigh.

"Fine by me babe." you replied grabbing the right tools to tighten his braces.

"There now was that so bad?" You asked him teasing him a little.

"No." he answered knowing what you were doing and laughed at you.

"Okay ready to go home?" You asked.

"Totally." He said getting up out of the dentist chair and out to the front office to sign out.

~after car ride home~

"Yes! Home! Finally!" He said dramatically as he walk through the front four into your shared bed room.

"Are you coming?! Cuddling time!" He yelled from the bed room causing you to laugh and walk into the room to get ready to be lazy.


So I hope you liked it and I will be doing part two tomorrow!

Sorry for any mistakes!

Message to:Niall Horan Imagine readers and the person who requested the imagine.

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